Aleyna Porreca Instructing at Mission:Wolf


Alumni Spotlight: Aleyna Porreca

If you’ve been part of the Cottonwood Institute family for while, Aleyna Porreca will already be a familiar face. After taking a CAP class at New Vista High School, Aleyna returned to CI as a Field Instructor back in 2010. Aleyna has been an amazing advocate for Cottonwood Institute’s mission and has gone on some… Read more »

Best Of Spring 2019: Astrea Strawn


Alumni Spotlight: Astrea Strawn

We always love to hear about the ways Cottonwood Institute students bring their CI experiences with them into the world. CAP New Vista Alumna Astrea Strawn has made the outdoors a major part of her life, working as an outdoor educator and now pursuing a masters in marine sciences at Oregon State University.   What… Read more »


CAP Alumni Spotlight: Chandra Galbiati Thomas

We recently caught up with Chandra Galbiati Thomas, a rock star CAP Alumni from the early days of Cottonwood Institute at New Vista High School. See what she’s been up to since her high schools days romping in the outdoors! “I currently live in New York City, working as a software engineer for Peloton. One doesn’t usually… Read more »