2nd quarter CAP is in full swing! We’re a small group, but we have a lot of inspiration. The past few weeks have been an inquiry into the local environmental issues of the city of Boulder and Boulder County.
We began with a visit from Ghita Carroll, BVSD’s new sustainability coordinator. Ghita led us on an energy audit of the school. We will have the results available soon on this web-page. After our VISTA with Ghita we jumped right into thinking about our personal environmental footprints and what we can do in our lives to make them smaller. On Monday we had a visit from Jenelle Freeston of the Keep It Clean Partnership, to learn about our watershed…. Do you know where your water comes from?
Amid visits from community resources, and inquiries into personal footprinting, the class has had many engaging discussions about what part personal responsibility plays in larger global and cultural environmental issues.
With all that deep thought all of us needed a break. Luckily, before we knew it, the first overnight was upon us!
We spent the weekend learning survival priorities, back-country skills, practicing leadership roles, and discussing Leave No Trace, or LNT principles. I can’t forget to mention several rockin’ games of Camouflage, and an intense round of “Big Booty” around the campfire.
On Sunday we completed fire mitigation service work in return for our stay on Calwood’s land.
I am impressed, delighted, and thrilled to have an engaged, thoughtful, and excited group in CAP. This week we will be choosing our action project topic, I’m looking forward to seeing what it is…. Paige.
Ford Church
You guys rock! It sounds like you are hitting the ground running and are off to a great start. Keep on truckin’!