
“Growing Team” Raises $2,645 Through Mustache 4 Cash

After sporting a mustache for the month of October and enduring heckling from friends, family, co-workers, and strangers a like, the Cottonwood Institute “Growing Team” successfully raised $2,645 through a unique fundraiser in Denver called Mustache 4 Cash. A very special thanks goes out to Chris Zook, Nate Bankirer, Ryan Bovard-Johns, and April Pishna for… Read more »


Alumni Snapshot: Jeremy Bacon

Jeremy took the Wildland Firefighter Project from the Cottonwood Institute a few years ago. Since then, Jeremy volunteered with Americorps where he was sent to City Year Boston to work at an inner city elementary school in Boston, Massachusetts. Jeremy acted as events coordinator for in school programs and helped run their after school programs as… Read more »


A Brilliant Year of CAP

When I started teaching at New Vista High School in the fall of 2008 I didn’t know what to expect. I was excited about the idea of working with high school students, and nervous about teaching again since I’d taken almost a two year break. In my wildest dreams I couldn’t have anticipated what a… Read more »


Wynkoop’s Earth Day Ale to Support the Cottonwood Institute

Do you want to know a really easy way to support the Cottonwood Institute? For the whole month of April the Wynkoop Brewing Company in Denver, CO will be featuring an Earth Day Ale and Wynkoop recently announced that a percentage of every pint sold will benefit the Cottonwood Institute! According to Ford Church, the… Read more »


Upcoming Winter Survival Workshop for Adults!

Get ready to dawn your snow pants, hat and gloves, and join the Cottonwood Institute for a thrilling, action-packed day of winter survival! It may be snowy and cold, but that’s all the more reason the get out in the mountains to ski, snowshoe, camp, sled and play. While your enjoying you favorite winter activities it… Read more »


2008 Success Stories

2008 proved to be an exciting year for the Cottonwood Institute. Before the end of the year approaches, I wanted to take a moment to share some of our exciting success stories and to thank all of our donors, instructors, volunteers, educational partners, students, and parents that helped make it all possible. PARTICIPANTS SERVED: In… Read more »


Top 5 Ways To Help The Cottonwood Institute Thrive!

As the end of the year approaches and you decide what charities to support this year, we hope you will consider the Cottonwood Institute. We accomplished amazing results in 2008 and we could not have done it without the generous support of individuals like you! In these challenging economic times, we wanted to offer the… Read more »


The New and Improved Cottonwood Institute Website!

After many long hours and a lot of hard work, the Cottonwood Institute is excited to announce the launching of its new website!  In addition to being much easier to navigate, the site offers a variety of new features and course listings that we can’t wait to share with you. Under the Courses Section of… Read more »