
KIPP Montbello Students Trekkin’ it on Snowshoes

Have you ever experienced the full potential of what nature can offer?  Students at KIPP Montbello Collegiate High School, as part of the Cottonwood Institute’s Community Adventure Program, were able to experience nature up close and personal when they took a snowshoe trip to the mountains at Caribou Ranch. As the bus arrived in the parking lot,… Read more »


Fire Fury and Snow Flurries with STRIVE Prep – Excel

The act of making a fire connects us back to our ancestors of more than 100,000 years ago. Huddling around a fire for warmth, sustenance and community is something that too few of us get to experience in our modern world. But on a snowy day at the end of January, in a sheltered grove… Read more »


STRIVE Prep Sunnyside’s Upcycled Art Project

The Middle School students at STRIVE Prep – Sunnyside are creative visionaries. Their interests in art, writing and self-expression have allowed them to cultivate an authentic experience through the Cottonwood Institute’s Community Adventure Program at their school during fall of 2015. After spending several weeks on team-building initiatives, nature awareness activities, and an exciting overnight camping trip… Read more »


Top 10 Inspiring Stories From 2015

It’s been another incredible year and we are excited to announce Cottonwood Institute’s annual top 10 inspiring stories from 2015. Thanks to all who voted on our Cottonwood Institute Facebook Page! So what were our students up to this year? Check it out: Cottonwood Institute Programs Have Life-Changing Impact Cottonwood Institute Partners With Great Outdoors… Read more »


CAP Class Saves a Drop, Saves a Liter, Saves the World!

Setting out from New Vista High School on our overnight trips with the Community Adventure Program (CAP) this quarter, the weather wavered between clear and sunny and cool and rainy.  It was officially the last hints of summer and the start of fall fully setting in. The energy was high, as students of all different… Read more »


Back Together: Cottonwood Institute Alumni Reunite

On a crisp fall evening in Boulder, CO, a group of Cottonwood Institute Alumni got together to catch up and reminisce over hot drinks at a local coffee shop. For many, it was the first time they had seen each other since high school over 10 years ago. Representatives from the very first Community Adventure… Read more »


RSVP Today For Our Beer Release Party On November 4, 2015!

Fall is here and there is a nip in the air, which means it is time for our Annual Beer Release Party to benefit Cottonwood Institute (CI). We are excited to partner with Jagged Mountain Brewing Company to host our annual Beer Release Party on Wednesday, November 4th, 2015 to enjoy Jagged Mountain’s latest limited-edition… Read more »


Urban Farm Volunteer Project with Re:Vision

It was a sunny September morning, as a group of bright eye bushy-tailed Cottonwood Institute volunteers gathered at what looked to be an old abandoned warehouse with willing hands, ready to work! Little did we know how far this old warehouse had come in the past year and the vision and passion leading it forward…. Read more »