
AXL CAP Enjoys a Jam-Packed Day at Cherry Creek

The CAP class at AXL Academy reinstated a sense of normalcy while celebrating the outdoors on a fun-filled spring day at Cherry Creek State Park. After a year of being cooped up at home and in the classroom, it was a blast to spend the day outside all together! The students started off with a… Read more »


Growth and Gratitude with AXL CAP Class

For the first time, CAP class at AXL Academy has been offered as a yearlong elective, allowing students to dig deeper into environmental topics and issues specific to their community. CAP Instructor Katie Morton shared some reflections on the first two trimesters as her class moves into spring: In the last year, the words “unprecedented,”… Read more »


AXL CAP students head to Allenspark for a wintry adventure

Students from Aurora Experiential Learning (AXL) Academy’s CAP class took Thursday and Friday off from their regularly scheduled school activities to spend an overnight in a cabin and get in touch with nature and their peers in Allenspark, CO. During the overnight adventure, students stayed in the Horse Lodge at Highlands Presbyterian Camp. Upon their… Read more »


AXL CAP Explores Red Rocks in Roxborough State Park

Students in the second trimester Community Adventure Program (CAP) Class at Aurora Expeditionary Learning Academy (AXL) got to experience a magnificent state park that is less than an hour away from their school! Roxborough State Park is a 45 minute drive Southwest of AXL, but as you can see from the photos, it looked like… Read more »


AXL CAP Students Take in the Views, Rock Out Field Day

Students from AXL Academy who chose the Community Adventure Program (CAP) class as their elective this fall trimester embarked on their first field trip last Friday. Only a week prior, they were meeting one another for the first time. All 15 students in the class loaded up in the vehicles and headed northwest for Boulder…. Read more »


AXL CAP Students Get Lost in the Beauty of the Mountains

One cold yet sunny day in April, AXL Academy CAP students left school to go somewhere better. Somewhere with no internet. Somewhere where they could get lost in its beautiful views. The woods. They got into the van and took off towards the mountains. When they got to the campsite, some students recognized the spot… Read more »