
Angevine Fall Overnight: A Video Blog!

Angevine Middle School CAP class students recently enjoyed their second overnight camping trip of the semester to Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch in Loveland, CO. While on their trip, students played games, hiked, and participated in other fun bonding activities. After every trip, instructors and their students write a blog to tell about the trip in… Read more »


Angevine Middle School CAP Class Shares the Buzz on Pollinators

The Angevine Middle School CAP class was busy this spring –  busy learning about pollinators. At first the students weren’t exactly sure how to help pollinators. One group of boys just wanted to “free the bees!”  Needless to say, some learning was in order. First the students learned about all different types of pollinators: flies,… Read more »


Year In Review: Impact Report 2023-24

Looking back on the impact of our past school year of programming at Cottonwood Institute (August 2023-July 2024), we are overwhelmed by the life-changing experiences that were created for over 530 students. Across 12 Program Partners, 29 Programs were delivered where Instructors and students learned how to navigate the challenges of pushing themselves out of… Read more »