
Centaurus’ visit to Left Hand Fire Station

Centaurus High School students explore questions about fire and visit a wildland fire station on their overnight. Written by Field Instructor Jarrod Gaut. Becalmed atop a hill, the group surveys a wide and snowy vista. The wind whispers hello as it heralds a frosty moisture. Clouds marshal themselves above snowy peaks and hurry towards the… Read more »


Need first aid? Call a Changemaker!

You’re out on a day hike with a friend when you come up on someone sitting on the side of the trail; at first glance, you can tell they might be in trouble. If you spend time outdoors, chances are that you might have had this encounter or something similar– do you know what to… Read more »


STRIVE Prep Westwood’s Double Field Day in Golden

A double field day exploring Golden, Colorado. Written by Field Instructor Jessie Colin. Escrito en español más abajo.  The first snow in Colorado is a special time as it signals the changing of the seasons, and this was the backdrop of STRIVE Prep Westwood’s double field day. We had originally planned an overnight, but with… Read more »


AXL’s Last Overnight of 2022!

Escrito en español más abajo. Check out more photos here! AXL Academy students got to experience two overnights in one trimester! Their second overnight was at Cal-Wood Education Center in Jamestown. The group was prepared for all that came at them as their overnight in April was cold, snowy, and full of new experiences! The pro… Read more »


Changemakers 2021: What do you need right now?

Written by Chelsea Tossing (Escrito en español más abajo) When we first began the Changemakers program in the summer of 2020, the world felt as if it had been turned upside down. Students had been out of school for months, and the lockdowns that extended into summer proved even more isolating. As we began thinking… Read more »


Denver Green School Students Educate Their Community About Environmental Issues

This spring Denver Green School CAP classes had an awesome and exciting semester! We explored the world around us; Learned new skills and wilderness survival; Educated ourselves about environmental issues that affect our communities; And designed and implemented community action projects to affect real change in our worlds! We began the semester by exploring our connection to nature,… Read more »


Military Kids Fire Workshop: Making Flames in the Rain

For many years Cottonwood Institute (CI) has partnered with military programs to provide outings for kids and families serving in the US Military. This year, CI is offering 3 programs as part of a series of engagements with the Colorado Army National Guard. On Wednesday July 12th, three CI instructors took a long drive to… Read more »


5 Easy Ways To Give On #GivingTuesday

WHAT IS IT? #Giving Tuesday is here and today officially kicks off the giving season! Hopefully you survived Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but this is a day dedicated to charities and for giving back. WHAT FOR? Between now and December 31, 2014, Cottonwood Institute is committed to raising $20,000 to meet our annual giving… Read more »