
CAP Week in Review

The end of the quarter is near and spring fever is high. Students are busy cramming to get all of their final projects done in time and the stress levels are through the roof. This week we had two work days for students to work on the Fire Mitigation Resource Guide, catch up on missing… Read more »


4 Days in May Fire Mitigation Project

4 Days in May is a program at New Vista High School where the entire school shuts down so students and teachers can join forces to implement meaningful service projects in the community. The Planning Stage: For our 4 days in May project, the Community Adventure Program all came together to discuss ideas that would… Read more »


What’s the Scoop on Dog Poop…

by Chloe Forsman, Community Adventure Program Student at New Vista High School in Boulder, Colorado You are walking along your favorite open space trail, the sky is clear, and you are distracted by a great view of the Flatirons. You step over a rock and


What’s The Scoop on Dog Poop?

By Community Adventure Program students, 2nd Quarter 2003 You are walking along your favorite open space trail, the sky is clear, and you are distracted by a great view of the Flatirons. You step over a rock and—SQUISH—right into a fresh pile of dog poop. It is estimated that Boulder’s open space and mountain parks… Read more »


CAP Learns How to Make a Difference from Service Learning Colorado

CAP students are expected to complete a Community Action Project at the end of the quarter based on outdoor and environmental issues affecting the Boulder community. In order to help us with this process, the CAP invited Garth Schaefer from Service Learning Colorado to talk to us about service learning projects. Middle and High School… Read more »


Welcome to the Community Adventure Program!

I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of the new students who are about to embark on the maiden voyage of the Community Adventure Program (CAP). This program represents the realization of a project I have developed through the Master of Arts Program (MAP) at Prescott College. I am fortunate to be… Read more »


Angevine Students Level Up a Field Day at Mud Lake!

Angevine Middle School students learn to identify poisonous plants, spot mushrooms, pad through the woods, and engage in exciting games with scenic views at Mud Lake! Written by Field Instructor Hailey Tresch. What would be a better location for 24 Angevine Middle School (AMS) students to play outdoors than somewhere called Mud Lake? We couldn’t… Read more »


Lincoln Hills Cares Dives Deep into Colorado’s Watershed

  Cottonwood Institute teamed up with folks from Lincoln Hills Cares on a program all about the Colorado watershed. Written by Field Instructor M Tormasi.   As July came to a close, Cottonwood Institute teamed up with folks from Lincoln Hills Cares on a program all about the Colorado watershed. With fishing, rafting, bug catching,… Read more »


Casa Gives Back at Mission:Wolf

Escrito en español más abajo. Written by Cottonwood Institute instructor M Tormasi. As the summer solstice neared, Cottonwood Institute instructors excitedly met up with folks from Casa de la Esperanza in Longmont. The camping trip ahead would include a no-lights-allowed night hike, a service project, and even meeting rescued wolves up close and personal. That’s… Read more »