
Top 10 Inspiring Stories from 2018!

It’s that time of year again! As the year comes to a close, we are excited to share our top 10 inspiring stories from 2018. What exactly have we been up to this past year? See for yourself and get ready to be inspired! 1. Nature Kids Lafayette First Year Of Programming Returns Great Results… Read more »


CAP Alumni Spotlight: Owen Love

It’s always nice to catch up with old friends, and Cottonwood Institute (CI) did just that recently, with CAP alumnus Owen Love (formerly Owen Brown). Living in Boulder, CO, Owen has continued to use his CI skills not only while spending time outdoors with his family but also by becoming a vital part of his… Read more »


Centaurus CAP Students Create Comic Strips!

During the last weekend in October the CAP class from Centaurus High School invaded the natural habitat known as Sylvan Dale Ranch. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, so we decided to make comic strips. We hope you get a kick out of them and learn about the trip in the… Read more »


Angevine Fall Overnight: A Video Blog!

Angevine Middle School CAP class students recently enjoyed their second overnight camping trip of the semester to Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch in Loveland, CO. While on their trip, students played games, hiked, and participated in other fun bonding activities. After every trip, instructors and their students write a blog to tell about the trip in… Read more »


Celebrating Another Great Year: CI Happy Hour 2018

  We recently hosted our annual Cottonwood Institute (CI) Happy Hour to help celebrate the end of another great year of programming! Over this past year we logged 19,200 program hours, completed 8,200 service learning hours, and served 400 participants through our 31 programs in 2018. Our amazing programs couldn’t be executed without the help and… Read more »


Volunteers Join for a Morning of Giving Back at Re:Vision

  Cottonwood Institute (CI) continued its partnership with Re:Vision to help make the 4th annual Urban Farm Volunteer Project a success! 15 rock star volunteers gathered on a chilly fall Saturday morning, all with different connections to CI, but a shared interest in giving back their time to Re:Vision! CI Instructors, Advisory Board Members, Staff,… Read more »


NVHS CAP Students Create Their Unique Safe Space

As with any good class teachers most often begin class with a series of activities that can help facilitate the group adopting a safe space to learn. These activities generally consist of the following elements: Name games, team building exercises, class “rules” and expectations/syllabus review. As I tell all of my students, I alone cannot… Read more »