
Final Reflection Paper, By Noah Gershon

The purpose of high school should be to prepare for the future. It should be to ensure a stable future for the students and a better future for the world in general. One of the teachers here at New Vista says part of why he teaches is so that he can live in a world… Read more »


Class Syllabus, 4th Quarter 2006

Teacher: Ford Church, M. A., Founder and Executive DirectorCottonwood Institute303.447.1076 (w)ford at cottonwoodinstitute.org Course Dates and Times: Seminar Intensive for 1.0 credits: Tuesdays: 11:05am – 12:05pm, Wednesdays: 8:45am – 3:05pm (including Breaks, Advisory, and Lunch), and Fridays: 11:05am – 12:05pm, plus 2 weekend overnight camping trips. Course Description:The Community Adventure Program (CAP) is all about… Read more »


Alternative Fuel: Saving America One Gallon at a Time!

Created by the Community Adventure Program New Vista High School Boulder, Colorado The Problem: Air pollution from vehicles is lowering our air quality and contributing to global warming. According to the American Lung Association of Colorado, “air pollution contributes to lung disease, including respiratory tract infections, asthma, and lung cancer.” The Sustainable Solution: Biodiesel and… Read more »


High School Students Support Eco-Friendly Businesses

According to Green Restaurant Association, each year the average American throws away about 100 polystyrene foam cups, each expected to last over 500 years.  With approximately 297 million people in the US, this comes out to close to 29 billion foam cups per year.  Many businesses produce a tremendous amount of waste and the Community… Read more »


Get the Urge, Remove the Spurge!

By Misra Cohen-MacGill and Anna Meiners New Vista High School, Community Adventure Program, Boulder, Colorado You know that funky, leafy green plant that has suddenly popped up in your yard uninvited? So do an increasing number of people in the Boulder community. Once introduced as a drought resistant plant to brighten gardens, the attractive yellow… Read more »


Final Reflection Paper, by Misra Cohen-MacGill

The quarter has passed by in a flash and already it’s the end of the school year. Throughout the class we have experienced and learned so many things it would be impossible to recount them all here. For me the most valuable lessons were acquired during the weekend overnight trips and our four days in… Read more »


4 Days in May Action Project Update…

We just completed a wildly successful Action Project this quarter and I am so proud of the hard work and determination everyone displayed. By working together, the 4th Quarter 2005 CAP class at New Vista High School was able to remove approximately 2,250 pounds of the invasive plant Myrtle Spurge from City of Boulder Open… Read more »


Trip Log for May 14 – 15, 2005

The Community Adventure Trip Log (TLOG) is a tool that we use to document each trip. Students can use this as a reference and template for coordinating their own trips outside of this class and future CAP classes will use this information as a reference for future trips. This is also a reflective tool for… Read more »


4 Days in May Action Project Schedule

Alright, here is the play-by-play for the Community Adventure Program’s 2005 4-Days in May Action Project at New Vista High School: Monday, May 9th, 2005: 9:00am-3:00pm – We will meet at New Vista High School in Room 200 and will meet Laurie Deiter with the City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks. Laurie will… Read more »


About CAP

What is the Community Adventure Program? The Community Adventure Program (CAP) is a unique academic experience for adventurous students who want to practice engaging outdoor skills, discuss and debate local outdoor and environmental issues, develop deeper friendships with their classmates, and who want to make a positive impact in their community. The CAP is unique… Read more »