
Eating Ecologically

The Community Adventure Program (CAP) is a class offered at New Vista High School through the Cottonwood Institute that combines outdoor education with environmental stewardship. A large aspect of the class is spent creating a student-directed Action Project concerning a local environmental issue. The students must design a project that will educate people about the… Read more »


Cottonwood Institute Receives Support From The Community Foundation Serving Boulder County

The Cottonwood Institute was fortunate to receive financial support from The Community Foundation Serving Boulder County. Funds are generated through their Community Trust and distributed to Boulder County nonprofits that serve one of five primary funding areas including: the Arts, Civic Engagement, Education, the Environment, and Health and Human Services. The Cottonwood Institute will use… Read more »


Community Adventure Program in the Media

The Cottonwood Institute‘s core education program called the Community Adventure Program (CAP) has received some media attention recently. Students enrolled in CAP at New Vista High School recently had an article written about their environmental service project, which involved building a greenhouse at the school in order to raise an awareness of the importance of… Read more »


Journal Discussions for Friday, August 31, 2007

After completing your second week of CAP you have had many opportunities to explore environmental issues surrounding our community. I would like you to discuss two or three issues that you are most passionate about, and how the issues could be addressed in our class through an action project.  Remember that our class may choose… Read more »


Cottonwood Institute

OVERVIEW:The Cottonwood Institute is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Denver, Colorado that inspires students to change the world through an exciting blend of adventure and environmental service. We teach students the essential camping and wilderness survival skills necessary to comfortably and competently explore the outdoors, while providing them with the tools and resources to… Read more »


Cottonwood Institute

OVERVIEW: The Cottonwood Institute is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Denver, Colorado that inspires students to change the world through an exciting blend of adventure, wilderness survival, and environmental service. We teach students the essential camping and wilderness survival skills necessary to comfortably and competently explore the outdoors, while providing them with the tools… Read more »


Welcome to the Community Adventure Program!

My name is Rory Cowie and I am excited to teach the Community Adventure Program at New Vista High School this year! I wanted to take a brief moment to tell you about my education, qualifications, and certifications for teaching this course. To begin with, I am a Head Instructor for the Cottonwood Institute. I… Read more »


Gardening and Composting Action Project, 4th Quarter 2007

We decided that for our Action Project, we would create a Greenhouse and Composting System for New Vista High School. We thought this would be a good thing to do because, after we are all gone from NVHS, future students would have a CE or Workshop that focused on the concepts of composting and growing… Read more »


Myrtle Spurge: A Menace to the Neighborhood!

Myrtle Spurge is a funky little plant that has stealthily crept its way into the many rock gardens and landscapes of Park Hill. While this plant is aesthetically pleasing, requires little water, and has a beautiful yellow glow when it flowers in the spring, this plant is a menace to our neighborhood! So what’s the… Read more »


Introducing Mr. Matt Norrdin

Hey folks, As you may know, Ford Church with the Cottonwood Institute has enlisted me to teach the CAP program this year.  I’m extremely excited to be involved with a program that has a great track record and a very bright future and I’d like to tell you a little bit about myself.  In my… Read more »