
KSPA CAP Students Wrap Up their Semester at Cal-Wood

CAP students from KIPP Sunshine Peak Academy (KSPA) embarked on their last weekend adventure for the semester at Cal-Wood Education Center. Prepared with a van full of gear and food, the group left the school, the city, and their technology(!) behind for a two-day, one-night adventure they will remember forever. The group arrived at their… Read more »


Action Projects Featured in The Boulder Daily Camera!

The centerpiece of every CAP class with Cottonwood Institute is the end-of-semester Action Project, which gives students the opportunity to address a local environmental issue of their choosing. Action Projects allow students to synthesize the lessons they’ve learned in class and on their field trips, and use them to create meaningful change in their communities…. Read more »


Centaurus High School CAP Spring Overnight: The Breakfast Club

If you would have seen this Centaurus group at the beginning of the semester, you never would have thought they’d end up friends, let alone the close-knit, always-joking group that they have become. This cast of characters has a set of distinct personalities that could have come straight from a John Hughes movie. Their bonds… Read more »


Alumni Spotlight: 2014 Ripple Effect Award Winners

As we continue to bask in the glow of last month’s Base Camp Bash, we’ve spent quite a bit of time reflecting on all of the amazing things Cottonwood Institute students have done this year. Our Ripple Effect Award Honorees Osiel Gomez and Pedro Guerra led the charge, educating their communities on the harms of… Read more »


DCS Montessori Embarks on a Lupine Adventure

On a sunny Monday morning, a group of DCS Montessori students stood outside their school, patiently awaiting the arrival of the chariots that would whisk them off into the wild blue yonder. Beyond Colorado Springs, beyond Pueblo, and beyond Granby, there lies a place called Mission: Wolf, which would be the setting of these students’… Read more »


2019 Base Camp Bash Raises Essential Funding With New Orleans Flair

Wow, another Base Camp Bash has whizzed by and we were able to raise critical funding for Cottonwood Institute programs with a little New Orleans flair. So, how much did we raise this year? Well, you’ll have to read on… The Cottonwood Institute decorating committee—spearheaded by Beverly Church and Jessica Church—CI staff, and volunteers descended… Read more »


Cottonwood Institute Presentations and Awards at CAEE Advancing Environmental Education Conference

This year Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education (CAEE) is celebrating 30 years of being a statewide leader in environmental education in Colorado. Last week they put on their 19th annual Advancing Environmental Education Conference. Cottonwood Institute (CI) presented two conference sessions and received the Advancing Environmental Literacy Award on behalf of the Nature Kids/Jovenes de… Read more »