
Everyone’s a winner at the 10th annual CI Throwdown!

Summertime in Denver is not complete without Cottonwood Institute’s Annual Throwdown charity cornhole tournament at Union Station. Union Station, originally built in 1881, burned down in 1894, and re-created in 1914, while historical, was previously only known as a train depot. (Really, there were passenger trains in and out of Denver?) Now, not only does… Read more »


Alumni Spotlight: Leo Canner

For some students, one semester of CAP class with Cottonwood Institute just isn’t enough. And could you blame them? Connecting with the outdoors, learning critical 21st-century skills, effecting meaningful change in their communities—what’s not to love? And for a certain devoted subset of those students, like Leo Canner, even two semesters of CAP only serve… Read more »


Cottonwood Institute’s Best of Spring 2019!

What a semester! With five CAP classes, 16 field excursions, and more than 100 students served, Spring 2019 was one of our busiest yet. From taking their frigid first steps on winter Field Days to making incredible strides to improve their communities in their Action Projects, Cottonwood Institute students have achieved so much this year…. Read more »


Littleton Academy Students Howl With the Wolves!

“I have the power of grape juice and I’m not afraid to use it!” Littleton Academy fifth grader AJ exclaimed Saturday morning as an animated group of 19 prepared for a day with the rescued wolves at Mission:Wolf. A lot of work had taken place leading up to that moment of anticipation, arriving at and… Read more »