
Angevine CAP Class Tackles Food Waste

The Angevine Middle School CAP class recognizes that one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gases is food waste, and they decided to do something about it. From giving out recipes and ingredients to low-income families, to turning tired Thanksgiving leftovers into delicious meals, to performing a rap and making a mural to educate their… Read more »


AXL CAP Explores Red Rocks in Roxborough State Park

Students in the second trimester Community Adventure Program (CAP) Class at Aurora Expeditionary Learning Academy (AXL) got to experience a magnificent state park that is less than an hour away from their school! Roxborough State Park is a 45 minute drive Southwest of AXL, but as you can see from the photos, it looked like… Read more »


KSPA CAP Club Semester Reflections and Video Fall 2019

With nine weeks of CAP behind them and only one more week to go, the CAP students at KIPP Sunshine Peak Academy (KSPA) spent some time reflecting on their experiences together. Each student wrote what they refer to as a “gist statement”; a few sentences that give a sense of/a gist about their understanding of… Read more »


Snow Can’t Stop Angevine CAP Students!

You can blame it all on us. That freakishly cold 48 hours sitting in the middle of beautiful fall weather, that one that froze all your tomato plants? We could give you a long explanation mentioning low pressure systems, etc. or we could just tell you the real reason: It was because the Angevine CAP… Read more »


NVHS CAP Action Project: The World Is Changing

The world is changing. This change impacts all of us in more ways than we can tell. As teenagers, we can clearly recognize that our future is in jeopardy. So for the 2019 Fall CAP class at New Vista High School, (the 50th time CAP has been taught at New Vista High School), we decided… Read more »