
Growing Food Locally

“The act of putting into your mouth what the earth has grown, is perhaps your most direct interaction with the earth.” ~Francis Moore Lappe After much discussion and deliberation about their Action Project, “Winter” Community Adventure Program (CAP) students at New Vista High School chose to research food miles and the importance of growing food… Read more »


CAP 3rd Quarter Wrap Up

“The act of putting into your mouth what the earth has grown, is perhaps your most direct interaction with the earth.” ~Francis Moore Lappe During third quarter, or “Winter” CAP students decided to focus their action project efforts on Food Miles. After much discussion and deliberation students chose to prepare (and repair) the existing garden… Read more »



3rd quarter CAP is off and running… students are planning their action project which focuses on food miles. Some of the events and actions they have planned include: The planning and construction of a garden shed to support our garden. Repairing and Reworking the garden paths and fencing. Volunteer work with Growing Gardens in exchange… Read more »


2nd Quarter CAP Students Tackle Water and Snow!

The days were shorter and the nights were cooler, but New Vista High School’s 2nd quarter Community Adventure Program class was on fire as they prepared for their two overnight camping trips. While the first trip gave them beautiful fall days, the other made them endure freezing temperatures. However, both trips were enjoyed by all,… Read more »


Students Take The Lead To Reduce School’s Environmental Footprint

After completing the Community Adventure Program, the Cottonwood Institute’s core program, six extraordinary New Vista High School students realized that they wanted to continue making a difference in the world even though their class had ended. With their enthusiasm and persistence to change the world, they went above and beyond the call of duty to… Read more »


Happy Sixth Birthday CAP!

Watch out, we’re going to do a little bragging to celebrate. The Community Adventure Program, or CAP, the Cottonwood Institute’s main educational program, is celebrating its sixth year at New Vista High School! If you don’t know…CAP aspires to inspire students to change the world through community involvement, an increased awareness of local environmental issues,… Read more »


CAP Students Take A Closer Look At GMOs

Chances are that the tortilla chips you just ate for lunch contain Genetically Modified Organisms (a.k.a. GMOs). Most of us have heard about GMOs, but what’s the big deal? To learn more about GMOs, an incredibly complex and controversial issue, Community Adventure Program students at New Vista High School began researching the issue by reading… Read more »


Alumni Spotlight: Dana Nelson

Dana was one of the very first students to register for the Cottonwood Institute’s core educational program called the Community Adventure Program at New Vista High School when the program first launched during the 2003 – 2004 school year. Q: What are you up to these days? A: Well I’m a recent graduate from the… Read more »


A Romp with the Wolves

There is just something about wolves that makes them unforgettable, especially when you get right up close and personal with these amazing animals. On July 18-24, 2009, the Cottonwood Institute took eight brave students out on their Endangered Wolves and Animal Tracking Project. Not only did they pet the wolves, but they came right up… Read more »


Alumni Snapshot: Cailin Marsden

Cailin Marsden was a part of the very first Community Adventure Program (CAP) class at New Vista High School in the fall of 2003. Since then she has kept in touch with the Cottonwood Institute and for a short time helped to contribute to the Institute’s blog. Cailin’s passion for the environment and the outdoors… Read more »