
Cottonwood Institute’s Impact Ripples Out In 2010

People often ask me about the impact that Cottonwood Institute programs are having and I am reminded of a quote by Paul Loeb that we share with students at the end of our programs: “We never know how the impact of our actions may ripple out. We never know who may be touched. That’s one… Read more »


Earth Task Force Hosts S.U.P.E.R. Summit

After a wildly successful inaugural year, the Cottonwood Institute‘s Earth Task Force at New Vista High School is taking on a new challenge this year to host Boulder Valley School District‘s first student-directed environmental summit called Students Understanding Personal Environmental Responsibility, also known as the S.U.P.E.R. Summit. High school students and teachers from all over… Read more »


CAP Students Take A Moment To Reflect

The 26th CAP class at New Vista High School has come to a close with a great project on water quality in Boulder Creek and some fantastic reflection papers.  We faced some challenges and learned a lot this quarter.  Our biggest success as a group was the cohesiveness and friendship we found together. Melanie Wilkerson… Read more »


Food Miles

“If every US citizen ate just one meal a week composed of locally and organically raised meats and produce, we would reduce our country’s oil consumption by over 1.1 million barrels of oil every week.” This statistic from Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal, Vegetable, Miracle inspired 4th quarter Community Adventure Program students at New Vista High School… Read more »


Welcome to CAP, Fall 2010!

Hello C.A.P.!  My name is Madeline Bachner and I am the new CAP teacher.  I am so excited to be instructing the CAP class this year!  We are going to have a great time learning about local ecology, natural history and environmental issues, along with survival and outdoor skills.  I cannot wait to see what… Read more »


Earth Task Force Is Unstoppable

The Earth Task Force is a new program the Cottonwood Institute launched last year to give student who have completed our Community Adventure Program an opportunity to continue changing the world. Looking back on their accomplishments the past year, the Earth Task Force is unstoppable. With the support of Cottonwood Institute Earth Task Force Mentor,… Read more »


And The Award Goes To…

This has been a phenomenal year for the Cottonwood Institute and we are so proud of everything our students have accomplished. But don’t take our word for it, let the awards speak for themselves: CITY OF BOULDER OUTSTANDING YOUTH VOLUNTEER AWARD: Every year, the City of Boulder, through the Youth Opportunities Advisory Board, recognizes 10… Read more »


Dancing Fruits and Veggies Sighted at Exhibition Day!

The 4th quarter 2010 CAP class went out with a bang! Students chose food miles, and raising awareness about solutions to this issue, as their action project topic.. The class spent their action project week volunteering at farms, planting a square foot garden plot for tomatoes at their home garden, creating educational displays about how… Read more »


Help The Cottonwood Institute Receive $5,000!

With the click of a button, you can help the Cottonwood Institute receive $5,000 from the Community Foundation Serving Boulder County by helping us win the 2010 NOVA Award to support the Earth Task Force at New Vista High School next year! To vote, click: http://www.commfound.org/nova/2010 and mark Cottonwood Institute as your first choice. Please… Read more »