
STRIVE Prep – Westwood Finds Winter Adventure

Late in January, during their very first CAP meeting, STRIVE Prep – Westwood students discussed what they wanted to get from their participation in the Cottonwood Institute’s Community Adventure Program. They said things like “Learn about Nature!” “Go camping and hiking!” “Learn survival skills and how to make a fire!” “Go snowshoeing!” “Make s’mores!” They… Read more »


Growing Food for the Community: STRIVE Prep-Westwood

Cottonwood Institute’s Community Adventure Program (CAP) students at STRIVE Prep – Westwood got the worm this time when they worked alongside Re:Vision team member Joseph Teipel to plant three fruit trees for the neighborhood food co-op. With lots of great ideas to consider, all focused around food scarcity, we worked through the logistical limitations of a successful action… Read more »


Peaceful Power: STRIVE Prep-Westwood Overnight

Recently, CAP (Community Adventure Program) students from STRIVE Prep-Westwood had the opportunity to use all of the skills and lessons they’ve learned over the course of the semester in one spectacular, culminating event: an overnight camping trip at Cal-Wood Education Center. We spent the weekend exploring old mines, hiking up mountains, building fires and watching stars, all while braving the… Read more »


Westwood CAP Field Day at Garfield Lake Park

The Community Adventure Program (CAP) students at STRIVE Prep – Westwood were so excited about their upcoming overnight camping trip that they just couldn’t wait to spend a day outdoors! Cottonwood was happy to accommodate this request by scheduling a day trip at a local park. On April 9th, four students, two instructors, and a STRIVE teacher spent six… Read more »


STRIVE Westwood Lobos and Montbello Pumas Come Together to Discover Eagles, Deer, and Each Other!

This past weekend, Cottonwood Institute instructors and STRIVE Preparatory Schools students from two different campuses traveled with their teachers to Cal-Wood Education Center for an overnight camping adventure to learn about fire ecology in the Boulder County foothills. At Cal-Wood, students got to experience low impact camping while also learning and practicing “Leave No Trace” principles. For some STRIVE… Read more »


Westwood Mini-CAP Students Write About Their Experience

For the last six weeks, STRIVE Preparatory students at the Westwood Campus have been a part of the Cottonwood Institute Mini-CAP program. For the final two weeks of their project, these middle school students joined an organization called N.O.W. (Neptune Ocean Warriors). This organization was started by students at Excel High School. This organization is helping make… Read more »


STRIVE Westwood Students Connect with Each Other and the Natural World

In mid-March, the Mini Community Adventure Program (Mini-CAP) crew from STRIVE Preparatory Schools’ Westwood campus embarked on an overnight camping adventure in the foothills of  Colorado with the Cottonwood Institute. Highlights of the trip for the students were learning and practicing primitive survival skills, and simply spending time away from the city and within the… Read more »


STRIVE Prep Westwood Experiences Nature Close to Home

For the month of October, students from STRIVE Preparatory Schools’ Westwood campus participated in a mini-CAP course to explore the world around them and forge a deeper connection to the natural environment. In the beginning of the course, students were excited about getting to go outside at the end of their school day, and they… Read more »


Still Glowing from the 2023 Base Camp Bash

Colorado environmental education nonprofit Cottonwood Institute hosted its spring benefit, the Base Camp Bash, in April. Thank you to all of our attendees and sponsors! Check out photos from the 2023 Base Camp Bash Here. The 2023 Base Camp Bash was fire and we are still glowing from an amazing evening to support Cottonwood Institute,… Read more »


Staff Spotlight: CAP Instructor Tucker Knight

We are so excited to formally welcome Tucker Knight (they/them) to the CI team! Tucker has been field instructing with us since the summer, and they are teaching CAP Class at STRIVE Prep Westwood this fall. Tucker brings a range of experiences to the team, from working one-on-one with students last school year, to creating… Read more »