
Challenge and Chills with STRIVE Prep – Sunnyside

Recently, STRIVE Prep – Sunnyside Community Adventure Program (CAP) students headed up to the mountains outside Fairplay to explore the Beaver Ponds Environmental Education Center. They started off the trip on a beautiful Colorado morning by stopping at Staunton State Park for a short hike. The students learned about compasses and navigation and led the way to Davis… Read more »


Meeting Wolves with New Eyes: STRIVE Prep-Sunnyside

It was a clear, sunny day when twelve STRIVE Prep – Sunnyside students embarked on a journey into the Sangre de Cristo mountains. They had one clear mission: to meet and learn about wolves in the remote mountain sanctuary aptly named Mission: Wolf. The group had bountiful energy and enthusiasm; their four hour drive to the site… Read more »


STRIVE Prep Sunnyside’s Upcycled Art Project

The Middle School students at STRIVE Prep – Sunnyside are creative visionaries. Their interests in art, writing and self-expression have allowed them to cultivate an authentic experience through the Cottonwood Institute’s Community Adventure Program at their school during fall of 2015. After spending several weeks on team-building initiatives, nature awareness activities, and an exciting overnight camping trip… Read more »


STRIVE Sunnyside CAP Class Writes About Their Trip

This past weekend, the Community Adventure Program (CAP) students of STRIVE Preparatory Schools – Sunnyside, made the journey to Cal-Wood to spend the weekend camping with their Cottonwood Institute course. They saw and learned a ton about their environment. They thought it was really cool when they found out pine needles were edible. They loved… Read more »


STRIVE Prep Sunnyside Hosts Bike to School Day

This spring, over 20 students enrolled in Cottonwood Institute’s Mini-CAP course offered at STRIVE Prep – Sunnyside as an Enrichment course for students. All but three students were in the sixth grade, and together they learned about issues affecting their community and took action to improve some of the problems they observed. Passionate about air quality in their… Read more »


STRIVE Sunnyside Explores Questions About Trash, Food, And Trail Use

STRIVE Preparatory Schools’ Sunnyside students have some diverse interests. They’re interested in trash, dead fish (see below), what makes something “food,” and whether or not video games can provide solutions for cleaning up the environment. Over the four week mini-CAP course and camping trip, students explored issues of trash both in their communities and on… Read more »


Casa Gives Back at Mission:Wolf

Escrito en español más abajo. Written by Cottonwood Institute instructor M Tormasi. As the summer solstice neared, Cottonwood Institute instructors excitedly met up with folks from Casa de la Esperanza in Longmont. The camping trip ahead would include a no-lights-allowed night hike, a service project, and even meeting rescued wolves up close and personal. That’s… Read more »


Wolf Kisses with DMLK

Escrito en español más abajo. Written by Field Instructor Ruthie Cartwright.   “Can we play ninja again, miss?” “I’d like to share a story from my grandfather.” “That wolf is a hard kisser!”   These are the a few of the moments that stand out to me the most from our trip to Mission: Wolf… Read more »