
Emerging Student Leaders Shine on New Vista CAP Overnight

Cottonwood Institute’s (CI) mission is to connect underserved students to the outdoors and empower them to take action to improve their schools, their community and the environment for future generations. On New Vista High School’s first CAP overnight backpacking trip, we mixed things up a bit by empowering them to take action on their outdoor… Read more »


New Vista CAP Students Take On Plastic!

More than 350 million tons of plastics are manufactured each year, and it continues to rise. That translates to 1 million plastic bottles per minute.  People in the US purchase about 50 billion water bottles per year, averaging about 13 bottles per month for every person in the U.S. 91% of these are not recycled…. Read more »


New Vista CAP Students Love Learning About Knots!

After any Cottonwood Institute backpacking trip, I routinely ask students what they learned on the trip as a part of our larger debrief and secret pal reveal. Overwhelmingly, students say that they enjoyed learning about knots. The New Vista High School CAP class were no exception.  After their recent trip to Taylor Mountain near Allenspark,… Read more »


Cottonwood Institute Programs at New Vista Grow into 2018!

Cottonwood Institute (CI) programs at New Vista High School have seen a few changes lately as student interest has shifted. The great thing about CI’s student directed programming is that it can shift with the students so their passions still lead the way! Below are descriptions of two new groups forming and getting projects underway… Read more »


New Vista High School Students Learn the Power of Attunement

One of the hallmarks of a Community Adventure Program (CAP) classroom with Cottonwood Institute is the use of attunements. What is an attunement? It’s any activity that helps students transition from their outside life to being able to focus in the classroom. Attunements also help students get to know each other and build camaraderie, setting the… Read more »