
Angevine CAP Student Reflection — “A Wise First Step”

The fall CAP class at Angevine Middle School was one of the more unusual in recent memory, shifting from online to in-person and back over just nine weeks. In spite of all the disruptions, students had the chance to build outdoor skills, develop a connection to the natural world, and make critical connections. One of… Read more »


Angevine Students Show their Creativity at Caribou Ranch

This semester’s Angevine Middle School Students are all about creativity. On their winter snowshoe trip to Caribou Ranch they built an unconventional, two-entrance quinzhee. They built a Climate Protest Swimming Snowman. And they even made visual artworks or creative poetry video blog entries to reflect on the day. Enjoy the poetry froomo this creative group!… Read more »


Angevine CAP Class Tackles Food Waste

The Angevine Middle School CAP class recognizes that one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gases is food waste, and they decided to do something about it. From giving out recipes and ingredients to low-income families, to turning tired Thanksgiving leftovers into delicious meals, to performing a rap and making a mural to educate their… Read more »


Snow Can’t Stop Angevine CAP Students!

You can blame it all on us. That freakishly cold 48 hours sitting in the middle of beautiful fall weather, that one that froze all your tomato plants? We could give you a long explanation mentioning low pressure systems, etc. or we could just tell you the real reason: It was because the Angevine CAP… Read more »


Angevine Middle School CAP Spring Overnight: Undaunted

The week preceding the Angevine Middle School spring trip to Cheley Outpost was snowy and sleety and miserable, enough to make the weak-willed have second thoughts about sleeping in a tent. But this group from Angevine has more Will than most (they have two!) and they were undaunted. They just threw some extra layers in… Read more »