
Earth Task Force Goes to the Capitol!

On February 22nd, a group of four Earth Task Force members attended the Alliance for Sustainability Conference at the Colorado State Capitol Building. At the conference the Earth Task Force learned about current bills that focus on sustainability, climate change and the environment. Adam Stenftenagel, the co-founder and CEO of Snugg Home presented at the… Read more »


The 2013 Base Camp Bash Is Almost Upon Us!

It’s go time everyone! We’ve been training for this day all year and now it is less that two weeks away. Drum roll please… The 2013 Base Camp Bash is almost upon us on Saturday, April 20th, 2013 from 7-10pm at Artwork Network in Denver, CO. What is the Base Camp Bash you ask? Only… Read more »


Blue Skies and Crocuses—A Learning Garden Update!

Although we haven’t been planting, or digging, or weeding during the winter season, we have been doing a lot of work to get ready for the 2013 growing season! Here are a few quick updates from the New Vista High School Learning Garden Crew: We raised $5,000 to support the Learning Garden. This money is… Read more »


Lions and Coyotes and Bears, Oh My!

Last week we wrapped up an exciting quarter of CAP 36. After inspiration from one of our guest speakers from Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks, we devoted our energy in the second half of the quarter towards the urban wildlife conflicts in Boulder. We spent several weeks researching and understanding human-wildlife conflicts with mountain… Read more »


CAP Update: Inspiration from People and Places

We’ve had an exciting quarter in CAP so far, filled with hikes, camping, and guest speakers. During the first two weeks of the quarter, we spent many classes navigating miles of trails that traverse the hills just minutes from New Vista High School at Boulder Mountain Park. While learning ecology, minimum impact hiking, and sensory… Read more »


Recycle Relay Throw Down 2012

Did you know that only 30% of households in America recycle!? Even worse only 10% of them compost? At New Vista High School, with the support of the Earth Task Force (ETF), we do things differently. Every year ETF hosts the highly competitive Recycle Relay. This relay consists of a race in which the homeroom… Read more »


Alumni Spotlight: Brian Fauver

Are you a Cottonwood alumnus? We’d love to hear from you! What are you up to? Email Us! We recently had the opportunity to reconnect with Brian Fauver, a Cottonwood Institute alumnus. Even as he enters a graduate degree program, he continues to use the problem-solving, critical thinking, and leadership skills he gained through CAP…. Read more »


Green Your Holidays Campaign

From Thanksgiving to New Years Day Americans throw away 25% more garbage than any other time of the year! That extra waste amounts to 25 million tons of trash. Did you know…If each family in America wrapped only three presents in re-used materials it would save enough paper to cover 45,000 football fields! In preparation… Read more »


Top 10 Inspiring Stories From 2012

We are wrapping up another incredible programming year with the Cottonwood Institute and have been blown away by the students we have served and the Action Projects they have taken on to improve their schools, the community, and the environment. In 2012, we served over 375 youth, logged over 15,000 program contact hours, and recorded… Read more »