
Former Student Joins Cottonwood Institute Board

Eric Ellison, former student, volunteer, instructor, and donor just joined the Cottonwood Institute (CI) Board of Directors. “It’s really amazing to see the impact of our programs come full circle and to reconnect with a former student. It is inspiring to see alumni take the initiative to get back involved and to give back to… Read more »


CAP Class Builds Group Cohesion and Raises Team Morale

The Community Adventure Program (CAP) students from New Vista High School in Boulder, CO gladly scurried to the mountains for their first overnight trip of the quarter last weekend!  The group was more than ready to enjoy the CAP class outside classroom walls.  Cottonwood Institute’s CAP program provides outdoor excursions throughout the quarter where students… Read more »


ETF Superheroes Converge on Earth Day

On March 22nd, 2015 youth groups and environmental educators from around Longmont, Boulder and Denver were invited to host booths in the first annual Youth of the Earth Day Festival. Earth Task Force was one of 33 youth booths and 36 environmental educator booths which showed up with activities for the fair-goers to participate in,… Read more »


2015 Base Camp Bash Exceeded Expectations

Wow, what a night! Cottonwood Institute hosted its 10th Annual Base Camp Bash this past Saturday, April 11th, 2015 at RedLine in Denver and the event exceeded our wildest expectations. The VIP Party set the stage for a great evening with music from the Lance Acker Quartet, cocktail tasting from Randy and Ryan Layman from… Read more »


E.T.F. Serves Up Sustainable Caffeine

On Thursday, February 19, 2015, Earth Task Force (ETF), a student led conservation group at New Vista High School, executed a unique day of consciousness – Bring Your Own Mug Day. Bring Your Own Mug Day focuses on urging students to drink from reusable mugs instead of ones destined for the landfill. Students who brought… Read more »


Earth Task Force Curbs Consumerism with Clothes-Cycling

On Thursday, November 13th, 2014, a student led environmental action team at New Vista High School called the Earth Task Force (ETF) implemented a Clothing Swap event during the school’s hour long lunch. ETF worked a couple weeks prior to the event to create a comedic promotional video to grab the attention of the students… Read more »


School Based Programs

CAP CAP is an award-winning enrichment class offered during the school day for academic credit. During CAP, students go on hikes, overnight camping trips, learn about and discuss local environmental issues, choose an issue to address as a class, and collaborate with other local organizations to design and implement a student-directed Action Project to positively… Read more »


Staff & Board

    Full-Time Staff   FORD CHURCH, (he/Him) M.A., Founder and Executive Director Ford is ultimately responsible for the success of the Cottonwood Institute. Ford has 24 years of professional experience working for a variety of nonprofit environmental education organizations, for-profit outdoor companies, and public schools in Colorado. Ford received a M.A. in Adventure Education… Read more »


About Us

  Our Why Many students are feeling isolated and alone and are struggling with mental health. They are spending a majority of their time indoors on screens. Students are craving meaning, purpose, and community. At the same time, students are inheriting the most challenging issues we have ever faced in human history. Many students don’t… Read more »