
NVHS Students Discover their Best Self

“It was terrible, it was awesome”. Who are you when you are at your center? Who are you when you are your best self? These were the questions we asked the New Vista High School Community Adventure Program (CAP) students before we embarked on our backpacking trip to Taylor Mountain. We all have experiences that… Read more »


NVHS CAP Students Enjoy Two Action Packed Field Days!

New Vista High School, a changemaker school in Boulder, Colorado is known for doing things unconventionally, out-of-the box, and in a style all its own. The CAP Spring 2017 class was no exception. Instead of the usual two overnights that tend to be standard in the the Cottonwood Institute CAP curriculum, we completed one overnight and… Read more »


2017 Ripple Effect Award Winners Change Their World

A highlight of the 2017 Base Camp Bash to benefit Cottonwood Institute is the Ripple Effect Award. The Ripple Effect Award is given each year to two outstanding students and is all about celebrating how our smallest actions, even those we can’t immediately see, can ripple out into the community to have an even greater impact. I am honored to accept… Read more »


Top 10 Inspiring Stories From 2016

It has been another energizing and successful year! We are excited to announce Cottonwood Institute’s annual top 10 inspiring stories from 2016. Thanks to all who voted on our Cottonwood Institute Facebook Page! So what were our students up to this year? Check it out! New Cottonwood Institute Video: Watch. Like. Share. Do You Believe in… Read more »


A Truly “Trashy” Halloween! From the Earth Task Force

On Monday, Earth Task Force (ETF) held a contest, called ”Trashy” Halloween, to raise awareness about upcycling, recycling, and reuse. Each advisory classroom was required to make a costume made only of recycled materials with an environmental theme. They then competed to see who had the best and most creative costume the day of Halloween…. Read more »


Honey Raised Some Money for the Earth Task Force

The Earth Task Force (ETF) held a bake sale of yummy pastries that all contained honey to promote pollinators. ETF students decided to do this for the pollinators that are in danger of becoming extinct and the team wanted to earn money to give to an organization that helps pollinators. They also wanted to help… Read more »


2016 Base Camp Bash Shatters Fundraising Goal

Excitement was in the air as the 2016 Base Camp Bash kicked off on Saturday, April 23rd, 2016 at the Posner Center in Denver, CO to benefit Cottonwood Institute (CI). CI shattered its fundraising goal and grossed over $77,000 from the Bash! The VIP Party kicked off the night and guests were greeted by the… Read more »


CAP Students Living in the Moment

Snug as a bug, students packed in among backpacks and gear, eager to see what awaited them on their new adventure.  This last weekend the Community Adventure Program (CAP) of New Vista High School headed to beautiful Cal-wood Education Center near Jamestown, CO.  They were met with snowy hilltops and sunshine bright enough to create lots of rosy sun-kissed cheeks…. Read more »


Earth Task Force Turns Trash into Tradition with “Trashy” Halloween Costume Competition

On October 30th Earth Task Force (ETF) an environmental club at New Vista High School, hosted the very first ‘Trashy’ Halloween Costume Contest event. The event was aimed at raising awareness and pushing students to think about the impacts people have on the environment. Advisories (community based classes that students participate in daily) competed against… Read more »


CAP Class Saves a Drop, Saves a Liter, Saves the World!

Setting out from New Vista High School on our overnight trips with the Community Adventure Program (CAP) this quarter, the weather wavered between clear and sunny and cool and rainy.  It was officially the last hints of summer and the start of fall fully setting in. The energy was high, as students of all different… Read more »