
Top 10 Inspiring Stories from 2018!

It’s that time of year again! As the year comes to a close, we are excited to share our top 10 inspiring stories from 2018. What exactly have we been up to this past year? See for yourself and get ready to be inspired! 1. Nature Kids Lafayette First Year Of Programming Returns Great Results… Read more »


CAP Alumni Spotlight: Owen Love

It’s always nice to catch up with old friends, and Cottonwood Institute (CI) did just that recently, with CAP alumnus Owen Love (formerly Owen Brown). Living in Boulder, CO, Owen has continued to use his CI skills not only while spending time outdoors with his family but also by becoming a vital part of his… Read more »


CAP Alumni Spotlight: Brittany Salley-Rains

Say hello to Brittany Salley-Rains! Brittany is a proud Cottonwood Institute alumnus currently living it up and exploring the great outdoors in Montana! We had a chance to catch up with her recently to see what she has been up to and hear how her time spent with Cottonwood Institute and CAP has influenced her… Read more »


NVHS CAP Students Create Their Unique Safe Space

As with any good class teachers most often begin class with a series of activities that can help facilitate the group adopting a safe space to learn. These activities generally consist of the following elements: Name games, team building exercises, class “rules” and expectations/syllabus review. As I tell all of my students, I alone cannot… Read more »


CAP Alumni Spotlight: Galen O’Shea

Meet Galen! A Cottonwood Institute CAP Alumni who is living life to the fullest and always leaves time to explore the outdoors!  We caught up with him and asked a few questions about what he’s currently up to and the impact CAP has had on his life. What are you up to these days? “I… Read more »


CAP Alumni Spotlight: Peter Zola

We caught up with Peter Zola, an amazing Community Adventure Program (CAP) student alumni from New Vista High School in Boulder, CO who is now 31 years old. He was gracious enough to fill us in on what he’s up to these days.  Of course, he’s still “Livin’ the Dream!” as our Executive Director, Ford… Read more »


CAP Alumni Spotlight: Chandra Galbiati Thomas

We recently caught up with Chandra Galbiati Thomas, a rock star CAP Alumni from the early days of Cottonwood Institute at New Vista High School. See what she’s been up to since her high schools days romping in the outdoors! “I currently live in New York City, working as a software engineer for Peloton. One doesn’t usually… Read more »


Why Cottonwood Institute Deserves Your Donation on #COGivesDay!

In 2017, Cottonwood Institute (CI) was working hard to change student’s lives by connecting students to the outdoors, increasing their environmental and self-awareness, and empowering them to become leaders to improve their schools, the community, and the environment. Below are just a few testimonies from students to highlight why CI deserves your donation on #COGivesDay! Connecting… Read more »


Top 10 Inspiring Stories From 2017

It is that time of year and we are excited to announce Cottonwood Institute’s annual Top 10 Inspiring Stories from 2017! So what were our students up to this year? Check it out! 2017 Ripple Effect Award Winners Change Their World Daily Camera Covers Angevine Middle School Action Project STRIVing For A Sustainable Future –… Read more »