| Ford Church

TLOG for October 9th – 10th, 2004

The Community Adventure Trip Log (TLOG) is a tool that we use to document each trip. Students can use this as a reference and template for coordinating their own trips outside of this class and future CAP classes will use this information as a reference for future trips. This is also a reflective tool for students to document what worked and what did not work for future outings.


Basic Trip Information:

  • Trip name: Camp Ora Penn
  • Dates: October 9-10, 2004
  • Location: Take Broadway to Canyon and go left towards Nederland. Go to the traffic circle in Nederland and take 72 South towards Central City. Start heading out of town and a mile or two outside of town, take a right on Magnolia Road (#132W). Follow this dirt road all the way down to the last road on the left and take a left up the road. If you go too far, the road will dead end and you can turn around and take your first right. Follow this road (if there is not too much snow) and you will see a gate on the right for Camp Ora-Penn).
  • Name of students on the trip: Leo Canner, Ashley De La Vega, Francisco Gonzalez, Jared Guy, Zayn Hood, Noah Ierley-Moss, Caylin Jensen, Dane Jensen, Michael Kilkenny-Patrick, Zoe Kline, Roxanna Sears, Nathan Spaulding.
  • Name of adults on the trip: Ford Church, Meghan McCracken
  • Transportation used: Private vehicles
  • Estimated round trip transportation mileage: 53 miles

    Land Management and Permitting:

  • Land agencies involved and contact information: Boulder YMCA, 303.443.4474, Mike Eubank.
  • Specific maps used: Indian Peaks/Gold Hill
    Permit information: N/A because we obtained permission from the Boulder YMCA to use the land.

  • Land management rules and regulations: N/A.

    Emergency Information:

  • Identify students and adults with medical training and indicate current level of training: Ford Church – Current Wilderness First Responder.
  • Evacuation options: Call 911, dispatch ambulance or search and rescue, hike/evacuate.
  • Contact information for nearest hospital: Boulder Community Hospital, Boulder, CO, 303.440.2273.
  • Contact information for nearest Sheriff’s office: Ken Robinson, Town Marshall, 303.258.3250
  • List of emergency phone numbers in order of priority:
    1. 911 for emergencies
    2. Rona Wilensky
    3. Diana McKnight
    4. Ken Robinson, Town Marshall, 303.258.3250

    Extended Field Trip Forms:

  • Extended Field Trip / Activity Trip Request Form: In Progress
  • Consent for Excursion or Extended Trip & Release Waiver and Indemnification: Completed
  • Medical Emergency Form: Completed
  • Private Vehicle / Driver Form (if applicable): Completed
  • Printed Roster / List of Each Student Attending Event: See above
  • Complete detailed itinerary of trip: See attached itinerary
  • Copies of all written correspondence to parents: See attached
  • List of emergency information and contact phone numbers: See above
  • List of sponsors / supervisors: See above
  • Copies of any additional insurance policies / Coverage’s (Rental Car Insurance): N/A
  • Proof of travel insurance on each participant: N/A
  • Written explanation of educational purpose of the trip: See attached itinerary.


    Specific Trip Information:

  • Describe weather: The weather was great: sunny, a little chilly at night, but not too chilly. We did not have any early snowfall or rain. The high temperatures during the day were in the mid 60’s and the low temperatures at night dipped down into the upper 30’s/low 40’s.
  • Describe trail conditions: Trail conditions were good. We followed road 355, which had patches of water that did not drain off the road, but this was totally manageable.
  • Total miles hiked: Less than 2 miles round trip.
  • Identify major water sources: We had to hike in our own water and made due with folks bringing full water bottles and a 7 gallon container for group water and cooking.
  • Describe group dynamics: Group dynamics did not meet my expectations given that this was our second and final trip of the quarter. I was disappointed with overall Expedition Behavior and the Leave No Trace ethic of the group as a whole was poor. Students have a clear understanding of the importance of both and know what to work on for the future.
    Provide outline of daily activities:
    Friday:– Arrived at our campsite…sensory awareness meditation…sit spot…set up camp… up food hanging area…dug sump hole…ate lunch…LNT lesson and skits with Zoe…learned survival priorities…participated in survival scenarios and skits… fire building technique…learned 1-match fires…practiced friction fire…Mike got fire…dinner…night drum stalk…hanging around the fire talking and playing guitar…consellations…bedtime.
    Saturday:– Woke up around 8am…Mike ate a grasshopper…breakfast…students practiced 1-match fires…survival kits…lunch…shelters…Mini-service project: picked up trash and cleaned the fire pit…yoga…packed up and swept camp for trash…hiked out to meet parent drivers in the parking lot.

  • Describe outdoor and environmental issues observed: A trash can was left out by another group and an animal knocked it down so there was trash everywhere. We picked up a lot of trash, hiked it out, and left the area much cleaner than when we found it. We also noticed that the area was heavily used by motorcycles and ATV’s, which did not obey trail closure signs. I spoke with two different people about riding motorized vehicles in closed areas.


  • Describe breakfast food and how many meals were planned for: Planned for 1 breakfast. Students cooked oatmeal, granola bars, etc.
  • Describe lunch food and how many meals were planned for: Planned for 2 lunches. Students ate gorp, mixed nuts, cheese and crackers, energy bars, etc.
  • Describe dinner food and how many meals were planned for: Planned for 1 dinner. Students ate Ramen, black beans and couscous, quesadillas, smores, etc.
  • Describe snack food and how much was planned for: Students ate energy bars, gorp, cheese and crackers, peanut butter and jelly, etc.

    Financial Information:

  • Total transportation rental costs: None, we used private vehicles
  • Total transportation gas costs: None, we used private vehicles
  • Total food expenses for each group: $10-$15 per student
  • Total gear rental expenses for each group: None, students borrowed all gear.
  • Total Expenses for Trip: None
  • Total Contributed by Students: Students were responsible for food and equipment rental fees
  • Total Contributed by School: The school reimbursed Ford and Meghan for mileage. The school also paid Meghan to help out for the weekend.
  • Total Contributed by Other Sources: None

    Medical/Evacuation Information:
    Describe any medical issues, first aid administered, evacuations, and provide detailed information about each incident: None

    Next Time Notes – Describe anything you would change if you did this same trip again and document any lessons learned:

  • I expect students to pitch in more and complain less.
  • I expect students to have more of a Leave No Trace ethic and to be better environmental stewards of the land we use.
  • Students must be conscious of their trash before going into the backcountry and during. We left the area cleaner than we found it, but managing trash during our trip was not meeting my expectations.

  • Categories: Cottonwood Institute News

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