| Ford Church

TLOG for December 13, 2003

The Community Adventure Trip Log (TLOG) is a tool that we use to document each trip. Students can use this as a reference and template for coordinating their own trips outside of this class and future CAP classes will use this information as a reference for future trips. This is also a reflective tool for students to document what worked and what did not work for future outings. Below, the crew is posing in front of the quinzee that we built.

(From left to right in the back: Eric, Ivan, Chloe, Ford, Newt, Coral, Cailin, Colin, Nathan Jonathan, Christi. Dueling ice axes in front: Rithy and Dana.)


Basic Trip Information:
Trip name: Introduction to Winter Camping
Dates: December 13

Categories: Cottonwood Institute News

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