| Ford Church

New Interns Storm the Cottonwood Institute

Several new sets of helping-hands have joined the Cottonwood Institute as interns.  In the future, you will be seeing their work around this blog and beyond.  Our new Cottonwood Institute Blog interns, Cailin and Misra, will be contributing steady updates about Cottonwood Institute courses, news and other juicy bits. It is their hope to offer some windows of perspective into relevant current events and aspects of daily life, which will hopefully get our readers thinking about their impact on their communities and the environment.  Feedback is always appreciated and if you happen across any articles or happenings in the world you believe others would appreciate reading about — let us know!

Misra Cohen-Macgill is a 2007 graduate of New Vista High School in Boulder, CO where she completed two winter camping Community Adventure Program (CAP) courses.  In any season, any country, Misra loves spending as much time as she can outside.  She is an artist, great sushi chef, world traveler and is looking forward to the greater awareness and perspective she expects to gain through this internship by seeking out material to share on this blog.

Cailin Marsden (New Vista High School ’07) has also participated in a winter CAP course–the first one ever offered–ever.   Glad to be active in the Cottonwood Institute community, Cailin will be posting while commencing her first year at Marlboro College in Vermont.  She loves backpacking, rafting through the canyons of the Southwest desert country and jumps at every opportunity to travel abroad. This past year, she and Misra took a gap year between high school and their post-secondary endeavors during which they traveled through Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia and New Zealand for 5 1/2 months. To check out their travel blog Click Here.

Our new marketing intern, Jacob Rothbaum, is currently a student at the University of Denver.  He is attending the Daniels College of Business and his major is marketing.  Jacob was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri and has lived in Colorado for the past three years.  His family has always been active outdoors and they often vacationed in Colorado during the summer.  Jacob has always been a hiker and a camper and is excited to be working for a company like the Cottonwood Institute.

Categories: Cottonwood Institute News

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One Response to “New Interns Storm the Cottonwood Institute”

  1. Ford Church

    Great job! I am so excited to have you all on board. It is very rewarding to see students I have taught come back into the loop and help the Cottonwood Institute thrive. You Rock!

    Ford Church, Founder & Executive Director
    Cottonwood Institute


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