Last week we wrapped up an exciting quarter of CAP 36. After inspiration from one of our guest speakers from Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks, we devoted our energy in the second half of the quarter towards the urban wildlife conflicts in Boulder. We spent several weeks researching and understanding human-wildlife conflicts with mountain lions, coyotes, and black bears. We learned why it is becoming more challenging for the three animals to coexist with humans in Boulder. Through three entertaining presentations, we educated the New Vista High School community about the issues. During a school-wide presentation, Johannes dressed up like a black bear! Towards the end of our Action Project, we took our knowledge outside to the community. We spent our final CAP class at Chautauqua, at one of the most traveled trail heads in Boulder. In pairs, we approached individuals and small groups of people to educate them about urban wildlife conflicts that affect Chautauqua users. Folks were most interested to learn what to do if they encounter a
mountain lion on the trail. Many users were well aware of the issues surrounding bears in Boulder; however few people knew the depth of the coyote issues. If you’re interested in learning more about urban wildlife, check out the information and suggested guidelines from Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks.
We spent our second camping trip at Cheley Outpost in Allenspark, Colorado. We experienced the full spectrum of Colorado winter weather: warm 60 degree sun all the way to 20 degree snow! The weather allowed us to partake in all of our favorite camping activities, from basking on rocks in the sun, to tracking animals in the snow. Check out our pictures to get the full story of our overnight experiences!
Read a snippet of Harper’s final reflection on CAP 36!
One of the skills I gained [in CAP] that I value the most is my experience working with others throughout this class. I feel as if I have come a long way from the beginning of this class in the fields of intrapersonal skills and working in groups due to the emphasis on group building and problem solving in this class.
– Harper
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