CI In The News


Cottonwood Institute In The News: Double Feature!

2020 has gotten off to a good start for Cottonwood Institute with the start of our trip season, the addition of our new Program Director, and now two features on CI from local news outlets! Check out these stories, get inspired, and please share with your community! Communing with Nature with the Cottonwood Institute –… Read more »

Winter Instuctor Training


CI Instructors Pack in Snow, Fun at Winter Skills Training

Before Cottonwood Institute takes students out for winter field days, they have to practice what they preach and teach. An eager group of CI veterans and newcomers met up early on a Saturday morning, packed lunches, and then packed themselves into CI’s shiny new van and drove to Caribou Ranch Open Space in Nederland for… Read more »

Jeremy Dougherty Maroon Bell


Partner Spotlight: Jeremy Dougherty of Maroon Bell

Usually we use this space to check in with Cottonwood Institute alumni, to hear about all of the amazing things they’ve been up to since completing CAP. But we can’t forget about the other important folks who make up the CI community! So this time we’re speaking to Jeremy Dougherty, fourth generation Coloradan, Founder of… Read more »

New Vista High School Spring 2019 Overnight 1. Best of 2019


Best of 2019 Video: Watch, Give, Share!

2019 was a big year for Cottonwood Institute. We connected hundreds of students to the outdoors, watched them create some inspiring Action Projects, were honored as the ColoradoBiz Magazine Top Company in the nonprofit category, and even bought our own 15-passenger van to help us increase our impact! We are excited to share our Best… Read more »

Angevine CAP Fall Field Day


Snow Can’t Stop Angevine CAP Students!

You can blame it all on us. That freakishly cold 48 hours sitting in the middle of beautiful fall weather, that one that froze all your tomato plants? We could give you a long explanation mentioning low pressure systems, etc. or we could just tell you the real reason: It was because the Angevine CAP… Read more »

Zero Waste at Denver Startup Week 2019


Denver Startup Week 2019 Sustainability Results

  We are happy to report that the Denver Startup Week 2019 sustainability results are in! But first, a little background… Waste diversion rates in Denver are hovering around 20% and the popularity of Denver Startup Week exploded to over 20,000 participants in 2019. It was incredibly important that we come together to reduce our… Read more »