Centaurus CAP fall overnight


Centaurus CAP Creates a Nature Connection on First Fall Overnight

Pulling up to Buckingham Park alongside the hundreds of bicycles making their way up Lefthand Canyon just outside of Boulder served as a perfect introduction to a beautiful weekend in the mountains. Six CAP students from Centaurus High School took the plunge by setting out for Cal-Wood Education Center in Jamestown for a weekend of… Read more »

New Vista High School Fall Overnight 1


New Vista Students Find Their Learning Edge and so Much More

Learning Edge… Students are challenged to find and dance along their learning edge as part of the CAP class at New Vista High School. It’s that moment when you get butterflies in your stomach, and then, when you finally accomplish the task, you feel a great sense of accomplishment. It may be preparing for the… Read more »

AXL Academy Fall Field Day


AXL CAP Students Take in the Views, Rock Out Field Day

Students from AXL Academy who chose the Community Adventure Program (CAP) class as their elective this fall trimester embarked on their first field trip last Friday. Only a week prior, they were meeting one another for the first time. All 15 students in the class loaded up in the vehicles and headed northwest for Boulder…. Read more »

CHS Emerald Ash Borer Action Project


Centaurus High School CAP Students Fight the Emerald Ash Borer

The Centaurus CAP class’ spring backpacking trip to Cal-Wood was a twofer, or actually a threefer: first, the group had fun, they accomplished some much needed tree thinning for their service project, and the topper on this trifecta was getting a major step of their action project accomplished—collecting over 250 rooted seedling trees for replanting…. Read more »

KSPA CAP Spring Overnight


KSPA CAP Students Wrap Up their Semester at Cal-Wood

CAP students from KIPP Sunshine Peak Academy (KSPA) embarked on their last weekend adventure for the semester at Cal-Wood Education Center. Prepared with a van full of gear and food, the group left the school, the city, and their technology(!) behind for a two-day, one-night adventure they will remember forever. The group arrived at their… Read more »

Lindsey Machado


Action Projects Featured in The Boulder Daily Camera!

The centerpiece of every CAP class with Cottonwood Institute is the end-of-semester Action Project, which gives students the opportunity to address a local environmental issue of their choosing. Action Projects allow students to synthesize the lessons they’ve learned in class and on their field trips, and use them to create meaningful change in their communities…. Read more »

Centaurus High School Spring CAP Overnight


Centaurus High School CAP Spring Overnight: The Breakfast Club

If you would have seen this Centaurus group at the beginning of the semester, you never would have thought they’d end up friends, let alone the close-knit, always-joking group that they have become. This cast of characters has a set of distinct personalities that could have come straight from a John Hughes movie. Their bonds… Read more »