
CAP Students Shed Light on the GMO Debate

In fall of 2014, Community Adventure Program (CAP) students at New Vista High School in Boulder, Colorado, chose to study the controversial topic of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). After watching documentaries, visiting Alfalfa’s Market, and conducting extensive research, they invited speakers from both sides of the issue to their class. Speakers from Right to Know… Read more »


STRIVE Prep Sunnyside Hosts Bike to School Day

This spring, over 20 students enrolled in Cottonwood Institute’s Mini-CAP course offered at STRIVE Prep – Sunnyside as an Enrichment course for students. All but three students were in the sixth grade, and together they learned about issues affecting their community and took action to improve some of the problems they observed. Passionate about air quality in their… Read more »


Flood Recovery at Cal-Wood: Students from CYC Rebuild Trails

New best friends were made and hiking trails were made usable once more after eleven girls from the Colorado Youth for Change (CYC) program went to Cal-Wood for two nights. In early June, Cottonwood Institute partnered with CYC, which works to help at-risk youth to stay in high school until they can graduate. They brought… Read more »


CAP Students at New Vista Explore Planned Obsolescence

An action project in CAP (Community Adventure Program) is when we choose a local environmental issue to focus on and make a difference within our school and community. Our class’ topic was planned obsolescence. Planned obsolescence is the process of industries designing and manufacturing their products to fail after a couple of years of use,… Read more »


Earth Task Force Hosts Bike Repair Day

On April 22nd 2014, to celebrate Earth Day, the Earth Task Force (ETF) hosted a bike repair day at the front of New Vista High School. This event inspired more students to bike to school, and provided a free opportunity for people to get their bike repaired or tuned up. Many students also enjoyed the… Read more »


Earth Task Force Digs Deep into Fracking

The Earth Task Force (ETF) at New Vista High School in Boulder, CO has heard a lot about fracking, or hydraulic fracturing. Everything from the horrifying idea that fracking could contaminate water supplies to how beneficial it is as a lower emission fossil fuel. Most people in Colorado rely on natural gas, which comes from… Read more »


Westwood Mini-CAP Students Write About Their Experience

For the last six weeks, STRIVE Preparatory students at the Westwood Campus have been a part of the Cottonwood Institute Mini-CAP program. For the final two weeks of their project, these middle school students joined an organization called N.O.W. (Neptune Ocean Warriors). This organization was started by students at Excel High School. This organization is helping make… Read more »


Earth Task Force Hosts “Bring Your Own Mug” Day

This past March, students from New Vista High School’s Earth Task Force (ETF) hosted an exciting community event called Bring Your Own Mug Day (BYOM). The purpose behind the event was to encourage students and staff to use their own reusable mugs, in place of taking advantage of disposable cups. Reusable mugs are an important… Read more »


2014 Environmental Leadership Summit Inspires Action

For the fourth year in a row, Cottonwood Institute collaborated with Johnson & Wales University (JWU) and the JWU Student Government Association to host the 2014 Environmental Leadership Summit. Students were able to get out of the classroom for the day and connect with for profit and nonprofit environmental leaders who are making a difference… Read more »


Share, EEvolve, and Grow with Cottonwood Institute

Cottonwood Institute had a great time attending sessions and presenting at the 14th Annual Teaching Outside the Box Conference in March 2014! As always, the conference was inspiring and rejuvenating, filled with sessions, roundtable discussions, networking opportunities, and celebrations. Each year, the Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education hosts the Teaching Outside the Box Conference. The conference… Read more »