| Sadie Norton

FUN (Familias Unidas en la Naturaleza) with Casa de la Esperanza: A Four-Part Adventure

A Casa De La Esperanza teen views wildlife!


Cottonwood Institute (CI) has been so grateful for our amazing partnership with Casa de la Esperanza (Casa) in Longmont, CO, for the past 13 years! This year, we decided to kick our collaboration up a notch by co-creating the Familias Unidas en la Naturaleza (FUN) Program, a new program to inspire youth and their families with the tools and resources to connect with nature through outdoor recreation. FUN began with a fishing clinic, CI-led skill-building workshops, a teen overnight camping trip, and a backyard campout with younger Casa participants. It culminated with an overnight camping trip planned and led primarily by Casa youth and their families. FUN included a series of scaffolded outdoor experiences to promote positive connections through community and skill-building. Finally, FUN provided families with fishing licenses and established an outdoor gear rental library at the Casa Community Center to encourage a lifetime of nature connection and outdoor adventure.

So how did it really all go down? Rock star Cottonwood Instructors Erin, Caroline, Hailey, and Alo break it down into 4 Parts:

Part 1: Fishing Workshop by Erin Angel

A Casa de la Esperanza youth participants smiles with the fish he caught!Neither snow nor sleet nor freezing rain could stop the families of Casa de la Esperanza as they spent time together and learned to fish this April. The kickoff for the Casa FUN (Familias Unidas en Naturaleza) Program was a chilly one for sure – but true to its name, so much FUN! The kickoff was the first step where families unfamiliar with Cottonwood Institute got to know us during the event. We started relationship-building in preparation for our summer program, where families would learn the outdoor and planning skills they need to go camping on their own. While adults chatted with each other and Cottonwood staff, the kids learned to fish with Colorado Parks and Wildlife at Golden Ponds in Longmont, CO. We shared food and camaraderie, learning what each family was seeking in our upcoming programs. Fish were caught, carne asada was eaten, and we all got hooked on the outdoors together.

Part 2: Teen Overnight by Caroline Paul

Casa de la Esperanza’s teen group went on their first camping trip during the first weekend of the FUN Program, and it was one for the books. These teens got to spend a night camping in tents at Cal-Wood and then, the next morning, met their families for a family camping weekend. Teens explored new trails, learned tracking skills, and even raised the bar on camp cooking expectations. Fishing efforts were foiled because “Melvin,” the moose, decided to take his afternoon nap right next to the fishing poles. What a cool sighting! By the end, multiple teens said, “We should have a trip just us that’s longer!” Music to our ears! Sounds like we might have some future Changemakers in the group!

Wildlife spotted!

Part 3:  Backyard Overnight by Hailey Tresch

“Wait, we’re camping where?” Hailey, the assistant field instructor, asked the lead instructor, Erin. “On the playground, of course! I think I’ll pitch my tent by the slide.” Erin replied with a grin that implied she had done this 100 times.

Casa de la Esperanza is one of Cottonwood Institute’s (CI) longest-held partners, but this Summer was the first time kids had been brought right outside to their own backyard for a trip. Erin worked with five youths, most of whom were older siblings to some younger campers, to create what CI instructors like to call a Trip Plan. The five older students designed meal plans, packing lists, and a schedule of games to play.

The nighttime festivities included s’mores eating, a night hike, and one final game of zombie tag. We would also include building blockades for the 3 AM sprinklers around the playground, but that technically occurred very early the next day!

A student whittling at campThe next morning’s breakfast was by far the group’s favorite because it was freshly made crepes, thanks to Casa de la Esperanza staff. The group ended the trip with Drip, Drip, Drop. Similar to Duck, Duck, Goose, kids dripped water on everyone they passed until a lucky individual had a whole cup of water poured on their head! It was a perfect end to the trip as kids giggled their way back home, only about 20 seconds away from their front door.

Part 4: A FUN Family Camping Trip Finale by Alo McGarigal 

On the final weekend of the FUN Program, we had our final culminating trip with Casa De La Esperanza. After three weeks of working with the teens and then the littles, we brought all of the learning together in an exciting weekend family camping trip.

We began our trip at Staunton State Park early Saturday morning. To our delight, we happened to be camping at Staunton during their annual Marmot Fest. The day’s main activity was a family fishing workshop led by the State Park Volunteer team at their trout ponds. After securing fishing licenses for participants, we reached the ponds and got set up with gear for fishing. We joked that we did a lot of fishing and not a lot of catching that day, but had fun nonetheless!

We ended our wonderful day together with some reflection, Tim-Tam Slams, and a night hike. We then spent the morning exploring Marmot Fest. Everyone celebrated another excellent program made possible by the strong partnership between Cottonwood Institute and Casa de la Esperanza. With their new camping confidence and a growing gear library, these families have all the tools they need to get outside and have FUN!

Oh what a world we can explore!


Finally, we wanted to give a special hoot of appreciate our amazing partners and funders that helped make this program possible, including Casa de la Esperanza, Boulder County Housing Authority, the City of Longmont Children Youth and Families Metropolitan District Youth Grant, Thorne Nature Experience, Boulder County Parks & Open Space, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Cal-Wood Education Center, and Staunton State Park!

If you are inspired by this program and want to help make it possible again next summer, consider making a donation to Cottonwood Institute today!

Categories: Casa de la Esperanza, Program News

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