| Sadie Norton

Bullseye! Centaurus High School’s Archery Field Day

Ready, aim, fire! CHS at the Archery RangeOn a beautiful fall day at Staunton State Park in Pine, CO, Centaurus High School students spent an unforgettable Field Day at the Archery Range with Colorado Parks and Wildlife Volunteers. Not only did everybody learn how to do archery… they also learned how to say “bow” (arco) and “arrow” (flecha) in a second language!

Ryder C. gets a bullseye on CHS Field Day

Students took turns cheering each other on as, shot by shot, students gained confidence with not only how to use a bow, but also how to trust yourself to try new things. CHS CAP Instructor and Senior Cottonwood Institute Instructor, Erin (aka “Ms. Angel”) led challenges, including the game “Robin Hood” where students have three change to hit a target, and if they hit it, they move to the next target that is 10 feet further away. Slowly students are eliminated until you have one person, who has shot the furthest target away! We also used a balloon filled with Jolly Ranchers as a target, and the whole class participated in slewing a flurry of arrows, until finally, Sophomore student Ryder C. (also the winner of “Robin Hood”), proving his prowess, hit the balloon on his first attempt!

Students taking aim at Staunton State Park

After archery and a break for lunch, students embarked on a hike through golden aspen groves along the Mason Creek Trail until we found the BEST Camouflage spot of all time. After a quick lesson on “fox walking,” students fled into the forest, finding their hiding places. After several rounds, students joyfully walked back to the cars, prepared to wrap up their day and head back to school.

A fall hike through the aspens

With another fun field day in the books, CHS students are already looking forward to their Fall Overnight Trip!



Categories: CAP, Centaurus High School

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