Engineering for the Planet with Centaurus High School


Engineering for the Planet with Centaurus High School

The students in the Fall 2018 CAP class at Centaurus High School had some specific requirements for our action project. The project had to be hands on and something we can actually use. It didn’t so much matter to us which environmental issues we were solving, as long as we were helping in some way,… Read more »


Support CI: Wynkoop Brewing Company Charity Tap Program

Come on out and support Cottonwood Institute this month at Wynkoop Brewing Company! We are the Charity Tap Beneficiary for the month of January 2019. The way it works is that $1 per charity pint order is donated to CI now through January 31, 2019. But you must ask for the “Charity Tap” pint for it to… Read more »

10 Job Search Sites to Help You Find an Environmental, Outdoor, or Nonprofit Job


10 Sites to Help You Find an Environmental Job

Finding a job is not an easy task.  In fact, it’s almost a full time job in itself. Creating and utilizing your connections and putting yourself in the right place can definitely make the search easier, but knowing where to look can also decrease the intimidation factor, or what I call, option overload. There are… Read more »

KSPA Idling Action Project


No Idling at KIPP Sunshine Peak Academy!

Back in September, the students in the CAP Club at KIPP Sunshine Peak Academy (KSPA) started brainstorming ideas to focus on for their action project. After breaking down each idea into what would be most applicable at their school and what they felt could be best achieved they decided to focus on the issue of… Read more »

STRIVE Prep - Sunnyside Students Test Local Waterways!


STRIVE Prep – Sunnyside Students Test Local Waterways!

On Saturday, Dec. 15, 2018, students from STRIVE Prep Sunnyside CAP-Club joined an international effort to monitor our waterways and measure the impact our human habits have on our beloved lakes, rivers and streams. By tackling this “citizen science” challenge, the students learned how to collect samples and test the water’s: temperature, PH, turbidity (cool… Read more »


Nature Kids/Jovenes de la Naturaleza Project Receives CAEE Award For Excellence

Congratulations to Nature Kids/Jovenes de la Naturaleza (NKJN) partners! The Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education’s (CAEE) Awards Selection Committee recently honored NKJN with the 2018 Advancing Environmental Literacy Award for Excellence in Environmental Education!   NKJN is an innovative, 5-year, $10M collective impact project that has 2 primary goals: 1. To connect Lafayette, CO youth… Read more »

Top 10 Inspiring Stories From 2018


Top 10 Inspiring Stories from 2018!

It’s that time of year again! As the year comes to a close, we are excited to share our top 10 inspiring stories from 2018. What exactly have we been up to this past year? See for yourself and get ready to be inspired! 1. Nature Kids Lafayette First Year Of Programming Returns Great Results… Read more »


New Vista CAP Students Take On Plastic!

More than 350 million tons of plastics are manufactured each year, and it continues to rise. That translates to 1 million plastic bottles per minute.  People in the US purchase about 50 billion water bottles per year, averaging about 13 bottles per month for every person in the U.S. 91% of these are not recycled…. Read more »

CAP Alumni Spotlight: Owen Love


CAP Alumni Spotlight: Owen Love

It’s always nice to catch up with old friends, and Cottonwood Institute (CI) did just that recently, with CAP alumnus Owen Love (formerly Owen Brown). Living in Boulder, CO, Owen has continued to use his CI skills not only while spending time outdoors with his family but also by becoming a vital part of his… Read more »


Centaurus CAP Students Create Comic Strips!

During the last weekend in October the CAP class from Centaurus High School invaded the natural habitat known as Sylvan Dale Ranch. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, so we decided to make comic strips. We hope you get a kick out of them and learn about the trip in the… Read more »