Inspiring Stories 2020


Top 10 Inspiring Stories from 2020!

2020 has been a lot of things, and while “inspiring” may not be the first word that comes to mind, there were in fact many things to be inspired by in the world of Cottonwood Institute! Our instructors stepped up to the challenge of adapting their programs in a big way, and our students were… Read more »

Vicki Whisenhunt


Staff Profile: Admin + Special Events Coordinator Vicki Whisenhunt

Vicki Whisenhunt wears many hats for Cottonwood Institute. As Administrative and Special Events Coordinator, Vicki provides critical support to CI programs and performs all the behind-the-scenes magic to make the Bash and our other events go off smoothly. She also serves as in-house aerialist, resident cat lover, and occasional mixologist for CI team events. Get… Read more »

CI In The News


CI In The News (and on the Airwaves!)

We can understand if you’re looking for a break from the news after the last few weeks (or months…or year), but we know you don’t want to miss the latest updates from the world of Cottonwood Institute! With this in mind, we’ve helpfully collected these three recent updates—including, to our knowledge, CI Executive Director Ford… Read more »


Staff Profile: Program Director Katie Vega

Just shy of her one-year anniversary with Cottonwood Institute, Program Director Katie Vega has already made her mark on this organization, spearheading the creation of multiple new programs and constantly evaluating the ways we can address the needs of the communities we serve. Get to know Katie (and her constant companion/relentless Zoombomber Penny) in our… Read more »

Fall Virtual Programs / Thrival Kits


Breaking the Ice in AMS Virtual CAP Class

Imagine that you are trying to give a sales presentation and you are in a video meeting staring at twenty-three icons. You make a joke—trying to break the ice, get a reaction. The icons are unwavering. This is virtual teaching in a COVID autumn. What you are selling is engagement with peers, connection to each… Read more »

Scenic Trees


Cottonwood Institute State of the Union 2020

With the US presidential election less than a week away — don’t worry, this is NOT a political post — I wanted to take an opportunity to share Cottonwood Institute‘s (CI) State of the Union in 2020. We are now 8 months into the COVID-19 pandemic and like many, CI’s world has turned upside down…. Read more »

Chai for Charity


Join CI at Chai For Charity on November 12, 2020!

Thanks to our virtual host and friend Jeffrey Kinsey from The Logos Group, Cottonwood Institute is honored to be a beneficiary of the Chai for Charity virtual event on Thursday, November 12, 2020. Chai for Charity connects donors to nonprofits in their community by contributing not just financial support, but also time and talent to… Read more »

New Vista Individual Action Projects


Real Action Projects in a Virtual World

Any student that’s taken a CAP Class with Cottonwood Institute can tell you that  Action Projects are of the highlights of their experience. Typically, students choose an issue that they want to tackle as a whole class. Together, they find solutions and work to plan an action in their community; classes in the past have… Read more »

Smoke from the Cal-Wood Fire


We Stand With Cal-Wood

Our friends and partners at Cal-Wood Education Center need your support. Cal-Wood is a Boulder County institution, inviting hundreds of students and families into the mountains each year to connect with nature and learn about their world. They have graciously allowed Cottonwood Institute to run program trips on their land for many years. Now, having… Read more »

Lafayette Youth Stewardship Internship


CI partners with WRV, Thorne, and more to launch Stewardship Internship

Although the 2020-21 school year is shaping up to be very different from any other in Cottonwood Institute’s history, it has presented us with an opportunity to work collaboratively with other organizations and reach students in new ways. One of these new programs, which launched in September, is our Lafayette Youth Stewardship Internship. Ten high school… Read more »