
Quote for October 29, 2003

“All ethics so far evolved rest upon a single premise: that the individual is a member of a community of interdependent parts. His instincts prompt him to compete for his place in the community, but his ethics prompt him also to cooperate…The land ethic simply enlarges the boundaries of the community to include soils, waters,… Read more »


Quote for October 28, 2003

“One final paragraph of advice: Do not burn yourselves out. Be as I am – a reluctant enthusiast…a part-time crusader, a half-hearted fanatic. Save the other half of yourselves and your lives for pleasure and adventure. It is not enough to fight for the land; it is even more important to enjoy it. While you… Read more »


Welcome to the Community Adventure Program!

I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of the new students who are about to embark on the maiden voyage of the Community Adventure Program (CAP). This program represents the realization of a project I have developed through the Master of Arts Program (MAP) at Prescott College. I am fortunate to be… Read more »