
Quote for December 19, 2003

“Mountains should be climbed with as little effort as possible and without desire. The reality of your own nature should determine the speed. If you become restless, speed up. If you become winded, slow down. You climb the mountain in an equilibrium between restlessness and exhaustion. Then when you


Quote for December 17, 2003

“For a great tree death comes as a gradual transformation. Its vitality ebbs slowly. Even when life has abandoned it entirely it remains a majestic thing. On some hilltop a dead tree may dominate the landscape for miles around. Alone among living things it retains its character and dignity after death. Plants wither; animals disintegrate…. Read more »


Weekly Outdoor Clinic Calendar – December 16, 2003

CAP students are expected to broaden their outdoor knowledge and skill base by tapping into the rich educational resources in their community. In order to accomplish this goal, students will take advantage of the free outdoor skills clinics, workshops, and slide shows offered by outdoor retail stores in the Colorado Front Range. Below are some… Read more »


Quote for December 12, 2003

“I am in love with this world. I have nestled lovingly in it. I have climbed its mountains, roamed its forests, sailed its waters, crossed its deserts, felt the sting of its frosts, the oppression of its heats, the drench of its rains, the fury of its winds, and always have beauty and joy waited… Read more »


Boulderin’ Boulder Style!

We are spoiled here in Boulder, Colorado. We bathe in 300+ days of sunshine every year, we are surrounded by stunning views of the flatirons and the majestic Indian Peaks, and we are fortunate to have some of the best climbing and bouldering in the country in our own backyard. But when it is 30… Read more »



We are spoiled here in Boulder, Colorado. We bathe in 300+ days of sunshine every year, we are surrounded by stunning views of the flatirons and the majestic Indian Peaks, and we are fortunate to have some of the best climbing and bouldering in the country in our own backyard. But when it is 30… Read more »


Quote for December 10, 2003

“Time, geologic time, looks out at us from the rocks as no other objects in the landscape. Geologic time! How the striking of the great clock, whose hours are millions of years, reverberates out of the abyss of the past! Mountains fall and the foundations of the earth shift as it beats out the moments… Read more »