
CAP Week in Review – March 31 and April 2, 2004

Spring has sprung and another quarter of the Community Adventure Program is off to an extraordinary start. Wednesday was our first class of the quarter and I have to say that we have a rock solid group. We began the day by going over the course syllabus, which was about as much fun as walking… Read more »


CAP Week in Review

Spring has sprung and another quarter of the Community Adventure Program is off to an extraordinary start. Wednesday was our first class of the quarter and I have to say that we have a rock solid group. We began the day by going over the course syllabus, which was about as much fun as walking… Read more »


CAP Pre-Test Survey

Please take a moment to fill out the CAP Pre-Test Survey. This survey will be used to assess your outdoor skills, your thoughts about the community, leadership, trust, etc. before taking the class. Your student ID # is required and will be used to compare pre and post-test results. Your name will remain anonymous, but… Read more »


Welcome to the Community Adventure Program Blog

Greetings and welcome to the CAP Blog. This Blog (a.k.a. Weblog) is essentially an interactive website designed for you to actively participate in this class. Below, you will see a comments feature. This will allow you to post words of wisdom and encouragement to your classmates who make contributions to the Blog. We will use… Read more »


CAP Photo Album – 2nd Quarter

The CAP Photo Album is finally available for the viewing public. Students and parents can now purchase pictures from Ofoto.com or view the pictures in a slideshow format. Enjoy reliving the experience!


CAP Post-Test Survey

Attention all 3rd quarter Community Adventure Program students. Please click here to take the CAP Post-Test Survey. Thank you so much for your time, I really appreciate it!