
Welcome to the Community Adventure Program…

Thank you for visiting the Community Adventure Program (CAP) website. The Community Adventure Program is a unique academic class that blends adventure and service while connecting high school students with their community. If you are new to the site, please take a moment to surf around and let us know what you think! Get a… Read more »


Transportation: From Pollution to Solution

Introduction: The Community Adventure Program (CAP) is a class for students who want to practice outdoor skills, discuss and debate local outdoor and environmental issues, and who want to make a positive impact in their community. The CAP is unique because students spend 1/2 of their time developing essential wilderness skills going on 2 overnight… Read more »


CAP-5 Post-Test Survey

As the quarter comes to a close, I would like to get some feedback from 2nd Quarter 2004/2005 CAP class so I can improve the CAP for future students. Please click on the survey link below to take the CAP Post Test Survey. Click here to take survey


CAP Photo Album, 1st Quarter 2004

Welcome to the Community Adventure Program! Whether you are a current CAP student, a parent, or if you are a student thinking about taking this class next quarter, check out our CAP Photo Album and let us know what you think.  


The Geological History of Boulder, by Kuzi Gertz

Boulder, Colorado has very interesting and unique geology compared to many other places in Colorado, or even the country. As you can clearly see the Flatirons are very unique for a rock, at least for the size they are. Even though the geology in Boulder looks all very different, it is mainly one single type… Read more »