
Quote for March 11, 2005

“When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.” – Harriet Beecher Stowe


Outdoor Clinic Report: Dirty Little Valentines, by Samantha Caplan

Presented by: Lynne Sullivan at the Foothills Nature Center The clinic that I attended, Dirty Little Valentines, brought up many interesting and odd points. The strangest point being that there is a peculiar parallel between human and animal courtship. Lynne Sullivan, the creator of Dirty Little Valentines, addressed several different questions throughout her presentation that… Read more »


Rescue Scenarios with Rocky Mountain Rescue

On Tuesday, we met Alex Hearn, a volunteer with the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group. Students applied their outdoor leadership skills to complete a mock rescue scenario. Drew seriously injured his leg and ankle while hiking about 6 miles from a trailhead with 2 hours of light left. Given the muddy terrain, it was much harder… Read more »


CAP Gets a Visit From the Colorado Avalanche Information Center

CAP would like to thank Halsted Morris of the Colorado Avalanche Information Center for coming to visit our class and enlighten us about travelling in Avalanche Terrain. We are looking forward to putting our skills to the test in the field on our second overnight next weekend where we will talk about avalanche terrain analysis,… Read more »