
Action Project/4-Days in May Update…

This just in…We voted today in class to address invasive plants and noxious weeds for our Action Project/4-Days in May event. Over the course of the next few weeks, we will continue to research invasive plants, like Myrtle Spurge listed above, and collaborate with organizations in Boulder County to address this important environmental issue affecting… Read more »


Quote for April 12, 2005

“We’ve been learning to take care of ourselves in places that really matter. The next step is to take care of the places that really matter.” – Terry and Renny Russell


Environmental Issue Hike

Today we were fortunate to go on an Environmental Issue Hike with Valerie Tierce, a Ranger/Naturalist from the City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks. We covered a variety of environmental issues affecting Boulder including invasive plants such as myrtle spurge, other invasive species such as the New Zealand Mud Snail, erosion and social… Read more »


Quote for April 8, 2005

“We’ve been learning to take care of ourselves in places that really matter. The next step is to take care of the places that really matter.” – Terry and Renny Russell


Action Project Environmental Issue Brainstorm

This week we began brainstorming the environmental issues affecting Boulder County and some possible projects we could implement for 4-Days of May. If you would like to add an issue to the list, please post a comment below: Fire mitigation – Thinning projects, hauling slash, educate folks about how to reduce their fire danger. New… Read more »


Quote for April 7, 2005

“Do good. This should be the aim of every human being, to make the world better for having lived.” – Eldress Harriet Bullard


Quote for April 5, 2005

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead


Springin’ into Spring…

Another Community Adventure Program is in full swing as we spring into spring. On Friday, we took a hike up to Chautauqua Park to learn about nature awareness. We tapped into our wide-angle vision, learned the proper stalking technique, and then practiced our new skills by participating in the 360 degree stalking activity. We look… Read more »


Quote for April 1, 2005

“You will find something more in woods than in books. Trees and stones will teach you that which you can never learn from masters.” Saint Bernard