| Ford Church
Quote for September 16, 2005
“If you get involved in trying to heal the world you’re not guaranteed specific results as you define them. You’re not promised that because you’re doing this, a particular organization will work or a particular cause will prevail. But you gain satisfaction of living your life for a higher purpose.” – Marianne Willamson
| Ford Church
Quote for September 14, 2005
“Creative people, be they baker or diplomat, teacher or welder, shape their lives with a profound sense of personal meaning. They are not manipulated by circumstances. They are responsible, free, and fulfilled. They love and enjoy their lives, their work, and they people around them. They are energized by their purpose. They continually discover new… Read more »
| Ford Church
Quote for September 13, 2005
“Leaders must wake people out of inertia. They must get people excited about something they’ve never seen before, something that does not yet exist.” – Rosabeth Moss
| Ford Church
Journal Prompt for September 9, 2005
After much debate and discussion, we chose our Action Project topic this week – the Zero Waste Movement. According to the Ecocycle website: “Zero Waste is all about redesigning products and packaging for durability, reuse and recyclability. Instead of perpetuating our throw-away society, products would be designed using fewer material types that could be easily… Read more »
| Ford Church
Quote for September 9, 2005
Waste Equals Food: “Nature operates according to a system of nutrients and metabolisms in which there is no such thing as waste. A cherry tree makes many blossoms and fruit to (perhaps) germinate and grow. That is why the tree blooms. But the extra blossoms are far from useless. They fall to the ground, decompose,… Read more »
| Ford Church
Quote for September 7, 2005
“We stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Frost’s familiar poem, they are not equally fair. The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. The other fork of the road / the… Read more »
| Ford Church
Quote for September 6, 2005
“Men wanted for hazardous journey, small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness – constant danger, safe return doubtful – honor and recognition in case of success.” – Sir Ernest Shackleton
| Ford Church
Journal Prompt for September 2, 2005
We talked a lot this week about how change comes about in the world. We talked about technological innovations that have helped humans evolve from hunter-gatherers to living in the information age of modern society. We talked about advances in farming and agriculture, inventions like the automobile and the airplane, and had a great dialog… Read more »