
Quote for February 21, 2006

Expedition Behavior is something that can make or break a course. It can bring people together as a group and as a team, or it can completely tear it apart. According to Harvey (1999), NOLS Instructor and author, EB addresses basic human needs: The most basic human needs [are]…food, water, shelter, and feeling of security…After… Read more »


Trip Log (TLOG) for February 18 – 19, 2006

The Community Adventure Program Trip Log (TLOG) is a tool that we use to document each trip. Students can use this as a reference and template for coordinating their own trips outside of this class and future CAP classes will use this information as a reference for future trips. This is also a reflective tool… Read more »


Google AdWords

For those non-profiteers out there looking to harness technology to spread the word about their organization, I would highly recommend playing around with Google AdWords. The Cottonwood Institute has been test driving the program since early January 2006 and I have to say that we have been pleasantly pleased. To check out how it works,… Read more »


Quote for February 16, 2006

“People’s perceptions of comfort often change as they spend more and more time out camping. The cold becomes less cold, the hot less hot, and the mosquitoes less annoying. It is not a matter of being tough and taking it. Rather it seems as though reality gradually redefines itself until you are comfortable with less.”… Read more »


Quote for Tuesday, February 14, 2006

“Some people do not have to search for they find their niche early in life and rest there seemingly contented and resigned.  At times I envy them, but usually I do not understand them…and seldom do they understand me.  I am one of the searchers.  There are, I believe, millions of us.  We are not… Read more »


Quote for February 13, 2006

“If it’s wild to your heart, protect it. Preserve it. Love it. And fight for it, and dedicate yourself to it, whether it’s a mountain range, your wife, your husband, or even (heaven forbid), your job. It doesn’t matter if it’s wild to anyone else: If it’s what makes your days soar like a hawk… Read more »


Web Discussion for February 10, 2006

This week we chose our Action Project topic: Alternative Fuels. We will spend the next week learning more about this topic, researching information on the Internet, collaborating with organizations that deal with alternative fuels, and identifying an Action Project that we can create as a class to educate people about alternative fuel in our community…. Read more »


Quote for February 10, 2006

“My experience leads me to believe that the main distinction between those who fully participate in their communities and those who withdraw into private life doesn’t rest in the active citizens’ grasp of complex issues, or their innate moral strength. Instead, those who get involved view their place in the world very differently. They have… Read more »


Quote for February 9, 2006

“Strong people make as many and as ghastly mistakes as weak people. The difference is that strong people admit them, laugh at them, learn from them. That is how they become strong.” – Richard Needham