
Nature Awareness Walk

On Tuesday, August 21, we went for a walk along Cherry Creek Path in Denver. Ford Church joined us and pointed out some plants and animal tracks. Here, we took a moment to record our observations by the creek.


Journal Discussions for Friday, August 24, 2007

This week we focused on introducing environmental issues in our community and how they relate to the idea of sustainability.  I would like you to first comment on what the term "sustainable" means to you and ways that it impacts your daily life. Once you feel that you have created your own definition for sustainable,… Read more »


Quote for August 24, 2007

“Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson


Web Journal Assignment #1

On Tuesday, we took a walk along Cherry Creek Path to explore our surroundings and to expand our awareness of the natural world. We learned about wide-angle vision to tap into our peripheral vision, we identified plants along the way and learned about some of their many uses, tried to identify some animal tracks, and… Read more »


Quote for August 23, 2007

“By the strength of my arm, by the sight of my eyes, by the skill of my fingers, I swear, as long as life dwells in me, never will I follow any way but the sweeping way of the wind.” – Everett Reuss


Quote for August 21, 2007

"If we use resources productively and take to heart the lessons learned from coping with the energy crisis, we face a future confronted only, as Pogo, once said, by insurmountable opportunities. The many crises facing us should be seen, then, not as threats, but as chances to remake the future so it serves all beings."… Read more »


Introduction to CAP Website

Welcome again to the Community Adventure Program!  Students:  I would like to hear some feedback from you on what your initial impressions of the course are.  I encourage you to comment on what you hope to gain by taking this course, and to describe what positive skills and attributes you may be able to contribute… Read more »


Quote for August 20, 2007

“Some people do not have to search for they find their niche early in life and rest there seemingly contented and resigned.  At times I envy them, but usually I do not understand them…and seldom do they understand me.  I am one of the searchers.  There are, I believe, millions of us.  We are not… Read more »


PS-1 Pre-Course Survey, 1st Semester 2007

Welcome to the Community Adventure Program. Before we get started, we need to get some feedback about your outdoor experience, your thoughts about the environment, the community, etc. Please answer this survey honestly and to the best of your ability. The good folks who fund this class use this information to assess the performance of… Read more »


A New Adventure

As the school year kicks off, I would like to welcome everyone to the CAP class at PS1. For the past year, I have been coordinating a similar service learning curriculum in Boulder County, where students in grades 2-12 created some great social action projects. This will be my first time teaching this particular class,… Read more »