
Journal Discussion for Thursday November 15, 2007

After completing our first overnight camping trip, please comment on your camping experience.  Specifically, what went well for you and what will you do differently on the next weekend camping trip?  Did you enjoy the meals that your cook group prepared and did you prepare and/or pack your food with minimal waste in terms of… Read more »


Action Project: Super Saver Bags

November 5-9, 2007: In order to raise awareness about the waste caused by plastic bags, students decided to sell reusable grocery bags at local grocery stores. Proceeds raised will benefit the CAP class and the MaxFund (a no-kill animal shelter in Denver). Pictured above: David V., David S., Jesus, Candace, Perla, Leatha, Monica. 


Journal Discussions for Monday, November 5, 2007

Welcome to the Journal Discussions portion of the Community Adventure Program.  Please comment on how CAP is going so far this quarter.  Do you feel that there has been a good introduction to environmental issues in our community, and what topics have been most interesting and inspirational thus far? Are there any environmental or community… Read more »


Freedom Writers

The Cottonwood Institute recently hosted a screening of Freedom Writers, starring Hillary Swank, for our latest "Change the World Movie Night." The movie chronicles a new teacher in a recently integrated public school in Long Beach, CA during the early 1990’s, following the Rodney King beating and LA riots when racial tensions were high. Erin… Read more »


CAP Pre-Course Survey, 2nd Quarter 2007

Welcome to the Community Adventure Program. Before we get started, we need to get some feedback about your outdoor experience, your thoughts about the environment, the community, etc. Please answer this survey honestly and to the best of your ability. The good folks who fund this class use this information to assess the performance of… Read more »


Quote for October 22, 2007

“My experience leads me to believe that the main distinction between those who fully participate in their communities and those who withdraw into private life doesn’t rest in the active citizens’ grasp of complex issues, or their innate moral strength. Instead, those who get involved view their place in the world very differently. They have… Read more »


Raise Money for the Cottonwood Institute by Searching The Internet!

The Cottonwood Institute recently established a partnership with GoodSearch.com and now you can help raise money for the Cottonwood Institute by searching the Internet! You may have heard about this website through friends, the NY Times, Oprah Magazine, or CNN. If you use this website, which is powered by Yahoo, every time you search the… Read more »


CAP-15 Post Course Survey, 1st Quarter 2007

As the first quarter comes to a close, I want to get some open and honest feedback from the 1st Quarter 2007 CAP class to improve the CAP for future students. This information will not affect your grade, but please take it seriously. It will be reviewed by the school, the Cottonwood Institute, and this… Read more »