
CAP Post Course Survey, 2nd Quarter 2007

As the quarter comes to a close, I wanted to get some open and honest feedback from this class about how to improve the CAP for future students. This information will not affect your grade, but please take it seriously. It will be reviewed by the school, the Cottonwood Institute, and this information will help… Read more »


Journal Discussion for Friday December 14, 2007

Hello everyone!  This journal discussion is intended to gain feedback on our action project this week.  Please respond with your comments on how the sales of our Eco-products have gone thus far.  Do you think that selling bags and CFL’s was a worthwhile experience?  If you were to repeat this past week of selling what… Read more »


Journal Discussion for Monday December 3, 2007

Please write a journal entry discussing our current action project.  Are you pleased with the progress of our project at this point?  Do you feel that selling reusable shopping bags and CFL’s is a worthwhile project, and what impacts will it have on our community? There are several groups currently working on different aspects of… Read more »


Green Facts

When we are aware of our environmental footprint, we are more likely to make changes in our daily lives, walk our talk, inspire others around us to make a change as well, and our efforts will ripple out and change the world. Below are a few green facts that will help increase your awareness about… Read more »


Green Facts of the Week

“Over 80% of executives at U.S. multinational companies rate sustainability as either essential or very important.” Source: Corporate Board. “In one second, our sun produces enough energy to meet the current needs of the entire Earth for 500,000 years. Only 1% of U.S. electricity is generated from solar power.” Sources: Boston Globe, Energy Information Administration,… Read more »


The Better World Shopping Guide

With the holiday season in full swing, everyone is starting to think about that perfect gift. Before you head to the store, jump online, or book your travel plans this season, the Cottonwood Institute would like to encourage you to consider buying from companies that care about people and the environment. We use a book… Read more »


Community Adventure Program in the Media

The Cottonwood Institute‘s core education program called the Community Adventure Program (CAP) has received some media attention recently. Students enrolled in CAP at New Vista High School recently had an article written about their environmental service project, which involved building a greenhouse at the school in order to raise an awareness of the importance of… Read more »


Journal Discussion for Thursday November 15, 2007

After completing our first overnight camping trip, please comment on your camping experience.  Specifically, what went well for you and what will you do differently on the next weekend camping trip?  Did you enjoy the meals that your cook group prepared and did you prepare and/or pack your food with minimal waste in terms of… Read more »


Action Project: Super Saver Bags

November 5-9, 2007: In order to raise awareness about the waste caused by plastic bags, students decided to sell reusable grocery bags at local grocery stores. Proceeds raised will benefit the CAP class and the MaxFund (a no-kill animal shelter in Denver). Pictured above: David V., David S., Jesus, Candace, Perla, Leatha, Monica.