Cheers to a Successful Year: Donor Happy Hour 2017

Posted by & filed under Cottonwood Institute News, Upcoming Events.

It has been another amazing year at Cottonwood Institute (CI)! We are happy to report that over the past year, CI has delivered 18,729 program contact hours through 33 programs serving 481 students, and more than 7,000 service learning project hours. None of this would be possible without the amazing support of our generous donors…. Read more »

Angevine Middle School Students Enjoy a Chilly Weekend at Cheley Outpost

Posted by & filed under Angevine Middle School, CAP, Community Adventure Program, Program News.

Angevine Middle School Students Enjoy Chilly Weekend at Cheley Outpost

Angevine Middle School students headed up for a weekend at Cheley Outpost for their second CAP trip of the semester. They set out with the goals of exploring the outdoors and having a good time. Upon arrival, students found a slightly chilly, but beautiful day, and they headed down to explore their campsite options. Two… Read more »

STRIVE Prep – Sunnyside Students Escape to Cal-Wood for a Weekend of Reflection

Posted by & filed under CAP, Community Adventure Program, Program News, STRIVE Prep.

10 Job Search Sites to Help You Find an Environmental, Outdoor, or Nonprofit Job

The CAP crew from STRIVE Prep – Sunnyside enjoyed an escape to Cal-Wood Education Center above Jamestown this past weekend for a memorable overnight excursion amongst the trees and under the stars. The weather was less than stellar at times and the group endured gusty winds and snow flurries, but they refused to let the weather dampen… Read more »

STRIVE Prep – RISE Students Enjoy an Unforgettable Weekend at Cheley Outpost

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STRIVE Prep - RISE Students Enjoy an Unforgettable Weekend at Cheley Outpost

As reluctant as the CAP students from STRIVE Prep – RISE were to venture out into the cold outdoors, we had an incredible trip! Cheley Outpost was a memorable location for our last trip of the season. Through the snow flurries, we bonded over team-building games, getting competitive over several games of Gaga Ball, setting… Read more »

AXL Academy Enjoys a Fall Camping Adventure at Cheley Outpost

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AXL Academy Enjoys A Fall Camping Adventure at Cheley Outpost

After weeks of preparing, AXL Academy’s CAP class set off with 9 excited students, 1 AXL Academy chaperone, and 3 Cottonwood Institute instructors to Cheley Outpost just outside of Meeker Park. Many students had never been camping before and were looking forward to the camping trip all trimester. On the drive up we stretched our legs… Read more »

Centaurus CAP Class Students Enjoy A Fall Day Hike

Posted by & filed under CAP, Centaurus High School, Community Adventure Program, Program News.

Fall is a busy time for everyone, but high school students may be the busiest of all. Last Saturday students from the Centaurus High School CAP class and a student from the Centaurus Outdoor Club sneaked in a big ol’ day hike before their homecoming dance. Some students get their hair or nails done for… Read more »

Nurturing Natural Curiosity near Home with STRIVE Prep – Sunnyside

Posted by & filed under CAP, Community Adventure Program, Program News, STRIVE Prep.

When their parents dropped them off in the parking lot early on this dreary and cold Saturday morning, most of our STRIVE Prep – Sunnyside Middle School CAP students looked like or readily admitted that they would rather be sleeping. After a quick banana-and-granola bar breakfast and a notable short 20-minute drive to the Rocky… Read more »

STRIVE Prep – RISE CAP Students Share Favorite Moments at Calwood!

Posted by & filed under CAP, Community Adventure Program, Program News, STRIVE Prep.

Our Calwood camping trip was a new fun experience for everyone. Through the cold days and nights we enjoyed hiking, exploring the mica cave, learning how to filter stream water, playing camouflage, and cooking together.  Here is what some of the STRIVE Prep -RISE CAP students had to say about their first trip: “My favorite part… Read more »