Tuesday, November 4, 2003: * Garth Schaffer from Service Learning Colorado came and talked about projects we could do to improve our community and showed us a movie. * Class thought up some ideas for community improving projects Wednesday, November 5, 2003: * We got a sheet concerning the camping trip supplies that we will… Read more »
Posts By: Ford Church
Quote for November 14, 2003
“There is something exciting in the first start, even upon an ordinary journey. The bustle of preparation
CAP Receives a Personal Tour from Local Mountaineering Legend Gary Neptune
The CAP had the honor and privilege of receiving a personal tour of the Neptune Museum in Boulder, Colorado from local mountaineering legend Gary Neptune. Neptune Mountaineering is a locally owned and operated outdoor retail store and is home to one of the most comprehensive mountaineering museums in the United States. Gary was kind enough… Read more »
Quote for November 12, 2003
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living… Read more »
The Overland Fire, by Chloe Forsman and Dana Nelson
Early morning on Wednesday, October 29, 2003 a power line blew over near the old Burlington Mine west of Jamestown, literally sparking a fire that would torch 3,500 acres in less than twenty-four hours. The fire spread quickly, fed by dry climate and winds exceeding thirty miles per hour at times; by 10:00 am the… Read more »
Three Part Journal Entry, by Chloe Forsman
Tuesday, October 28, 2003: *Edward Abbey! *Ford introduced himself and the class. *We read and discussed the syllabus
Weekly Outdoor Clinic Calendar
CAP students are expected to broaden their outdoor knowledge and skill base by tapping into the rich educational resources in their community. In order to accomplish this goal, students will take advantage of the free outdoor skills clinics, workshops, and slide shows offered by outdoor retail stores in the Colorado Front Range. Below are some… Read more »
Quote for November 11, 2003
“Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls… Read more »
Quote for November 7, 2003
“Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land. By land is meant all of the things on, over, or in the earth. Harmony with the land is like harmony with a friend; you cannot cherish his right hand and chop off his left
Nature Awareness Activities in Tantra Park
CAP students braved the 35-degree weather today to learn nature awareness and stalking techniques in Trantra Park. We were privileged to have Michael Jospe, educator and survival instructor, share his knowledge and wisdom of how to increase our awareness of the natural world by awakening our senses, using wide-angle visioning, and moving silently through the… Read more »