| Ford Church

High School Students Support Eco-Friendly Businesses

According to Green Restaurant Association, each year the average American throws away about 100 polystyrene foam cups, each expected to last over 500 years.  With approximately 297 million people in the US, this comes out to close to 29 billion foam cups per year.  Many businesses produce a tremendous amount of waste and the Community Adventure Program at New Vista High School would like to encourage your business to move towards Zero Waste.

Zero waste is goal that many businesses and communities around the world are moving towards. Essentially, everything we produce and consume will either be able to be recycled, composted, or remanufactured into a new product.


  • Your business has the opportunity to be a leader in the community and reduce your ecological footprint. 11 billion tons of waste are created in the United States each year. (Source: Grass Roots Recycling Network).
  • You can save money on your monthly waste bill. Whole Foods in Boulder, CO spends less per month using Eco-Cyle’s Zero Waste services than they did paying for normal waste services.
  • Zero Waste is an attractive marketing feature because consumers love the earth!
  • Landfills, which are the second highest emitter of greenhouse gases in the U.S., will become a thing of the past. (Source: Grass Roots Recycling Network).
  • Recycling alone creates 10 times more jobs than landfilling and incinerating. (Source: Eco-Cycle)BUSINESSES WORKING TOWARDS ZERO WASTE


  • A Spice of Life Catering
  • Boulder Farmer’s Market
  • Dushanbe Tea House
  • Folsom St. Coffee Company
  • Old Chicago
  • Whole FoodsNational:
  • Fetzer Vineyards: Garbage was reduced by 93% and they hope to be waste free by 2009.
  • Xerox Corporation: Beneficially managed 94% of hazardous waste.
  • ZERI Breweries: Utilizes 40 different biochemical methods to reuse everything.
    Source: Eco-Cycle and the Grass Roots Recycling Network

    1. Buy Eco-Friendly cups, napkins, “to-go” containers, and utensils for your business that can be either recycled or composted.
    2. Make a recycling station in your establishment.
    3. Contact Eco-Cycle to learn about their Zero Waste Services at (303) 444-6634.
    4. Encourage other businesses to go Zero Waste.


  • Biosphere Industries: Packaging to be microwaved and composted. www.biosphercorp.com
  • Bio Technology: Wheat based tableware. Phone:  308-485-0107
  • Earthshell: Hinged-lid clamshells, plates, bowls and sandwich wraps. Phone 1-805-897-2299 www.earthshell.com
  • Earthware Biodegradables: Non-GMO, Wheat-based Cutlery, corn based cutlery, plates, cups, etc. Phone 1-800-211-6747 www.earthwarebiodegradables.com
  • Eastman Chemical: Bags, films, non-woven fibers. Phone: 423-224-0411 www.eastman.com
  • Eatitworld Forestware: Leafware—Plates, bowls, placemats, table covers. Phone:  510-501-3307 www.eatitworld.com/forestware.html
  • Ecocycle: Phone:  303-444-6634 www.ecocycle.org
  • Eco Film and Ecoworks: Manufacturer of eco Film™ and Eco Works® Compostable films and bags. Cortec Corporation Phone: 800-4-CORTEC (426-7832) www.ecofilm.com
  • Eco-Products: A Boulder, CO company! Phone: 303-449-1876 www.ecoproducts.com
  • Epi Global: www.epiglobal.com www.efbags.com
  • Farnell Packaging: Bags, Films Phone: 902-468-9378 www.farnell.ns.ca
  • Fortune Plastics: Manufactures “Comp-Lete” compostable bags in various sizes. Phone: 800-243-0306 www.fortuneplastics.com
  • Grass Roots Recycling Network: Phone:  510.531.5523 www.grrn.org
  • Green Earth Office Supply: Catalog and retail store for biodegradable products. Phone: 408-395-3975 www.greenearthofficesupply.com
  • Green Home: Compostable cutlery. www.GreenHome.com
  • Green Hotels Association Approved Vendors: http://www.greenhotels.com/appvvend.htm
  • Green Restaurant Association: www.dinegreen.com

    To download a copy of this flyer to give to restaurants and businesses in your community that produce a lot of waste, please CLICK HERE!

    This flyer was produced by Alex Carr, Alex Stern and Jamie Shapiro, students enrolled in the Community Adventure Program at New Vista High School. This class was made possible through the Cottonwood Institute and a grant from the City of Boulder’s Youth Opportunity Advisory Board.

  • Categories: Action Projects

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