
Angevine Middle School Students go Gaga for Gaga Ball

Students at Angevine Middle School take action to promote outdoor play at their school. Written by CAP Instructor Erin Angel. Everyone who plays Gaga Ball loves Gaga Ball! After spending hours playing the game during our fall campout at Cheley Outpost Camp, the Angevine Middle School CAP Outdoor Class decided to share this fun game… Read more »


Angevine Students Level Up a Field Day at Mud Lake!

Angevine Middle School students learn to identify poisonous plants, spot mushrooms, pad through the woods, and engage in exciting games with scenic views at Mud Lake! Written by Field Instructor Hailey Tresch. What would be a better location for 24 Angevine Middle School (AMS) students to play outdoors than somewhere called Mud Lake? We couldn’t… Read more »


Angevine students create emergency go bags

February 2023 Update: Angevine CAP student Margot dropped off the go bags to Sister Carmen Community Center, an organization that provides basic needs and help to residents of East Boulder County. There were about 40 bags in all, with essential materials like headlamps, first aid kits, phone chargers, and canned food. Great going, team! Written… Read more »


Angevine learns about Curlycup Gumweed

AMS students identified pants like Curlycup Gumweed along the Anne U White Trail on their fall field day with Cottonwood Institute. Escrito en español más abajo. Check out more photos here! Written by CI Instructor Tucker Knight.  The 7th and 8th graders of Angevine Middle School CAP class hiked the Anne U. White Trail with… Read more »


Angevine students out of their shells!

Angevine Middle School students came out of their shells and bonded on their winter field day. Escrito en español más abajo Written by Field Instructor Barbara Ramsdell. See photos here! Eleven students from Angevine Middle School’s CAP class set out on Friday, January 28th for their first winter field day at Caribou Ranch Open Space…. Read more »


Angevine Middle School: Cukie goes fishing!

Written by CAP Instructor Erin Angel (Escrito en español más abajo) Photos here! The Angevine Middle School CAP class had another fall adventure with a garden vegetable (technically a fruit) tagging along. Cukie the Cucumber and his human friends joined April Archer from SaraBella Fishing for a wonderful day of fly fishing on Waneka Lake…. Read more »


Angevine CAP Students Find Wonder in Wildfire

The Angevine Middle School 4th quarter class was a hybrid class with some students attending online and the others attending in person. When the quarter started, it was the first time many of the students had been to school in a year and, although the group had been in a cohort all year, they didn’t… Read more »


Angevine CAP Students Pick Pollinators

Combining things we like to do or want to learn with a desire to help the planet is what Action Projects are all about. The first period CAP class at Angevine Middle School is an enthusiastic bunch with lots of interests, so they decided to bring awareness to pollinators by setting aside a week to… Read more »