This week, we spent a good chunk of time talking about gear in preparation for our upcoming camping trip next weekend. We learned about high-tech camping gear such as backpacks, tents, stoves, and modern fire methods and low-tech alternatives such as blanket packs, poncho shelters, coffee can stoves, and friction fire. Above, Ashley is demonstrating her textbook friction fire technique. We also discussed the essential gear you should take with you on a day hike: map, compass, water bottle/purification tablets, knife, extra clothes, extra food, sunscreen/sunglasses, matches/lighter, survival kit, first aid kit, headlamp, etc. Finally, we closed out the week discussing ways we can minimize our impact on day hikes and during our overnight camping trips so we can be ghosts of the mountains and have a positive impact in our environment. We talked about respecting wildlife, reducing the amount of trash we bring in to the backcountry, reducing social trails, ecologically responsible fires, and going to the bathroom at least 200 feet (70 adult steps) from camp, water source, trail, etc. Great job this week everyone, I hope everyone is getting pumped for our first overnight next weekend!
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